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Jungkook had always been a closed-off person. He was shy, he didn't talk much and sometimes it seemed like he purposefully made himself as small as possible.

At first, it was really hard to approach him because of his timid aura that just gave off the vibe that he didn't like talking to people. But because of Y/N's friendly and persistent personality, he eventually warmed up to her and she was able to see past his shyness and realize that he was actually a normal, smart, and funny guy. 

Y/N instantly fell in love with him and true to her personality, she confessed to him first.
Y/N still laugh every time she thought back on his reaction. He was a blushing mess, he couldn't even look her in the eyes and he was stuttering so much that he could barely say he liked her back.

Since that day, a year ago, Y/N and Jungkook have been together happily. They were neighbors so, despite not being in the same school, they got to see each other almost every day. During the summer, Y/N had finally convinced her parents to let her transfer to Jungkook's school. Although Jungkook was overjoyed, he said something strange to Y/N.

"Um...I know this is great and all but...c-can you pretend you don't know me when we're in school?"

Y/N was not only shocked but slightly offended. Was he embarrassed to be with her in school? Did he not want her to meet his friends? Was he actually a popular guy that was out of her league?

"Why?" Y/N pouted.

"Don't get the wrong idea! I'd love to show you off but, I just think this would be better for the both of us..." Jungkook scratched the back of his head awkwardly as he failed to meet Y/N's eyes.

It was obvious that she wasn't fully convinced but Y/N nodded and immediately left his room and returned to her house in a bitter mood. She was determined to find out why Jungkook said that to her when it was time for school.

School started the week after and Y/N was excitedly waiting outside Jungkook's house so the two could go together. Jungkook was strangely surprised when he saw her on his doorstep.

"What are you doing here?"

"We're going to school together, aren't we?" Y/N flashed him her iconic cheerful grin.

"I think we should go separately." Jungkook pursed his lips as he looked away from his girlfriend.

"What? Why?" Y/N immediately expressed disappointment.

"If people see us walk into the school together, they'll know that we know each other."

Y/N frown and crossed her arms angrily.

"Fine! I'll just ask my mom to drive me." She stormed off.

Jungkook sighed as he watched Y/N go back into her house. "I'm sorry."

When Y/N finally arrived, she waved her mom goodbye and went into her homeroom with her schedule and everything that had already been mailed to her. The girl's nervousness made her slightly forget about what happened with Jungkook as she entered the classroom. 

As expected, many were already in small groups, catching up with each other about the summer. Y/N made her way to a seat in the middle rows that were more towards the back. She quietly sat down and took out her phone to pass some time. 

Accidentally, Y/N tapped the message icon on her phone and her conversations with Jungkook appeared. 

Y/N sighed as she was reminded of her boyfriend. 

She wanted to text him but this was the first time she didn't really know what to say. Y/N didn't want stay like this with Jungkook, she missed him.

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