Green Shirt Pt. 2

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Sequel ig.

Dream is 17, Tubbo is 13,
Drista n Lani r 10

TW//Arguing, Abandonment(ig), Swearing, Some Mentions Of Alchohol, Explosives

(Dream's POV)

I was sleeping when I heard shouting from downstairs.

I yawned and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. Drista's bed was on the other side of the room and she was hugging her knees and silently sobbing.

I hurried toward her and asked "Hey, what's wrong?" She raised her head and said "It's mom and uncle. They've been like this all night. I could barely sleep." She cried.

How did I not hear this? I guess my nightmares lessened since mom gave me this mask. "Sh-should I go check it out?" I ask her. She sniffled and silently nodded.

I sigh and hug her "It'll be alright. I'll sort it out." Then I stood up and started walking towards the door. I stopped for a second when I heard her mutter "Thank you." Then I immediately continued walking.

As I was walking down the stairs I pulled my mask to the side of my face and continued to walk down the stairs.

Mother and Uncle Schlatt were arguing in the living room.



"I had to! They both deserve more than me!"

"I could've helped you, Schlatt! Remember? We're siblings!"

"Atleast they're gonna be happy."

My mom sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Who did you give them to?" She asks Uncle.

"I gave Lani to Minx."

"And Tubbo?"

Schlatt sighed. "I gave Tubbo to Philza."

I let the words sink in for a moment. Then reality hit me and my eyes widened. He gave Tubbo and Lani away? Why?

"What?" I blurted out.

The two adults gasped and looked at me. I was standing by the doorway, eyes wide and tears were threatening to flow out.

"D-Dream, it's past your bedtime. Y-your supposed to be asleep." I shake my head "No. I woke up because of you two. Drista was crying because of you two. And I come down here to find out YOU-" I pointed at Schlatt "-YOU gave Tubbo away to a different family?!" I ask, disbeleif laced in my voice.

"Dream, buddy-"

"DON'T 'BuDdY' ME!" I yell. I was angry at the two of them. Mostly at my Uncle. They made my little sister cry. Uncle Schlatt gave his children- his RESPONSIBILITIES- away for other people to deal with. And mom just let it happen?!

"You gave Tubbo away!" I yell at him. "Dream, I had to-" at this point, I just let the tears fall. "What do you mean?! You had to? What kind of shit excuse is that?!"

Schlatt shook his head "I didn't want to do it. But I had to. It was the only way for them to be happy-" I scoffed "They could've been happy with you! With us! And you just decide to abandon them!"

Mom put a hand on my shoulder "Dream, sweetie, calm down-" I violently shove her hand off and yell "Don't tell me to calm down! Just a minute ago, you weren't calm about this!" I remind her.

I look between the concerned look of my mother and the guilty look of my Uncle. I laughed and shook my head, tears still falling. "I can't believe you." I mutter. That was for both of then but was mostly directed to my uncle.

"I can't believe you just gave them away like that... What kind of father are you?" Tears were spilling from all our eyes. "A horrible one. That's why I gave them away. To save them from growing up to be like me."

"Well maybe if you weren't such a drunk bastard you would have acknowledged them and actually treated them like your children!"

"Dream." My mother looked at me sternly. "There are limits. We don't mention your Uncle's addictions." I scoff and roll my eyes. "No, he's right. I shouldn't have spent half of my life reminiscing about someone who will never come back. I should've took care of my children. They're my responsibilities."

I cross my arms "Damn right." I mutter.

My mom pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry, duckling. I shouldn't have let this happen." I sniffed and hugged her back. I sobbed into her shoulder. I look back to my uncle and saw that he had take a seat on the couches. He held his face with both his arms as he quietly sobbed.

I couldn't imagine what he was feeling. I still partially hate him but he was Tubbo's father. I was obviously distraught. Tubbo was the best cousin ever and Lani was beyond friendly. But Uncle Schlatt must be utterly miserable. Considering this is partially his fault.

(5 Years Later)

"Put your weapons in the hole. Both of you." I demanded. They both looked at me with horrified faces. I could tell that this brought memories back to Tommy specifically.

"D-Dream-" Tommy started. He didn't get to finish because my axe was still threatening to slit Tubbo's throat. Tommy's eyes widened even more and he complied.

I let go of Tubbo and push him towards the hole. "You too." He whimpered and complied aswell. I smirk. But it quickly faltered when I saw what he was wearing. The same green button up shirt that I gave him 12 years ago.

"T-Tubbo... You still h-have that?" I ask quietly. He still had a look of fear on his face when he asked "H-Have what, Dream?" I shake my head. "N-Nothing. Shut up." I take some bombs from the belt and light them. I throw them in the hole and they all exploded.

While Tubbo had a confused and fearful look on his face, Tommy had an angry and knowing face. Tommy knew. He knew everything.

Of course Tubbo doesn't remember. I had heard that Uncle told Phil to give him some pills to forget his former family. I nearly ressurected him from the dead to kill him again but I restrained myself. If I wanted total control of this land then I had to cut off all attachment to everything.

Even my family.

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