Savage Delight

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divine creature
of heavenly delight
one would chance the wrath of a god
to have one taste of your sinful kisses
a treasure that many now sought
yet they are met with hungry fists

avenging angel
a fearsome being
you wear your bloody red wings of anger
like a violent shield of armour
to the point that it's secondhand nature
a safe space only you can harbor

ethereal beauty
drop dead gorgeous
just one smile from you could kill
and a wink could stop someone's heart
this deadly game of chase gives many a thrill
even as you tear their bodies apart

iridescent creature
of stendhal syndrome
driving those insane when rejected
pleased with the sound of remorse
loving the idea of driving them demented
their begging growing hoarse

celestial goddess
worthy of worship
te daría mi corazón, sangraría por ti
and if you wished for death
i'd give you anything you'd ask of me
even my last breath

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