Knight of Cups

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As your Knight of Cups
I have brought my blade to your side
My love for you, I cannot hide
Nor do I attempt to keep it from you
Showing it in everything I do

As your Knight of Cups
I will cross the depths of hell
Even if it's my soul I need to sell
Worry not, I'll be at your side
By this time tomorrow night

As your Knight of Cups
I'll go to war for you, if need be
Anything you want from me, I give willingly
You need to only ask and it's yours
An open invitation, or behind closed doors

As your Knight of Cups
I have bared my soul in hopes you'll want it
I know, this gamble is a desperate bid
But how could I resist your tempting lips
Stone cold glare, icy stare and swaying hips

As your Knight of Cups
My blade is offered to your use
Maybe in this, it's another excuse
Just to share one more moment
Is something I have dreamt

As your Knight of Cups
I have hope to stay within your sight
Throughout the long days and dark nights
Forever wandering next to you
A challenge impossible except for a few

As your Knight of Cups
I give my sword to shed your enemy's blood
A taste of violence beginning to bud
You bring out my inner beast
But with a simple touch, it ceased

As your Knight of Cups
I would lay my soul at your feet
Bare my throat for your hands to meet
Become vulnerable if that's what you wished for
You're in my blood, set deep within my core

My DarlingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz