The Admission pt 3.

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3rd person's POV/ author's POV

The tournament was starting and you weren't in the first fight. Of course you were disappointed at that, but at least you could see what their fighting styles and abilities were.

In the first fight, it was Kaji against Kara. You thought that this would be interesting considering that Kara looked like Kaji's sister. Before the fight began you could hear Kaji and this Kara person talking.

Kaji: "You ready sis?"

Kara: "Ready as I'll ever be. This is what all my training was for."

Kaji: "Good luck!"

Kara: "You too brother."

TimeSkip to the first fight starting

Announcer: "We're about to have Kaji, The Fireball, go up against Kara, The Ice-Spike! Who will win?"

Your POV

Fireball and Ice Spike? Seems like Kaji and Kara have already made a name for themselves. This'll be fun to watch!

3rd POV/author's POV

Anouncer: "The rules are simple! To win your match, your opponent either has to surrender-

'No way I'm doing that' You thought to yourself.

Anouncer: "-or you have to knock them unconscious!" Suddenly the other announcer grabbed the mic and said,

Anouncer 2: "Knock em' dead kids!"

Anouncer: "Don't actually actually kill eachother though-"

Anouncer 2: "Start the fight!"

Kara rushed at Kaji with ice covering her fists. Kaji countered by covering his fists with fire and punching back. Kara and Kaji were going at it until Kara jumped back, and made ice spikes come out of the ground. Kaji dodged it just in time, but a strand of hair got cut off by the ice spikes.

Anouncer 2: "Hot damn! I should kidnap more kids and put them in my basement the make them fight for entertainment!"

Anouncer: "What do you mean more kids-"

Anouncer 2: "Shut up and enjoy the fight."

Kaji decided to go on the offensive and made fire come out of the ground where Kara was. To his surprise, Kara came out with only a couple scratches. Kaji looked at where Kara was standing before, and he saw ice spikes that looked like they were covering something.

Kaji: "So that's how.."

Kara charged at Kaji once again with ice covering her fists. Once Kara was about to punch Kaji, Kaji made fire blaze up in front of him catching Kara in the fray. Kara came out of that with a few burn marks, more scratches, and some bruises. Kara knew she couldn't last much longer.

Anouncer 2: "This is getting heated up!"

Anouncer: "Is that a pun-"

Anouncer 2: "Yeah, deal with it."

Anouncer: "I-"

Anouncer 2: "Shut up! It looks like the is about to get cooler!"

Anouncer: 'i don't get paid enough for this..'

This time, Kaji charged at Kara trying to end the fight. Kaji had fire covering his fists.  Once Kaji reached Kara he punched her, thinking she was knocked out, he left his guard down. But to his surprise, Kara stood there unharmed, with a ice spike in front of her. Kara had also made ice surround Kaji like a force field. Kara being tired from this, was making it smaller slowly. Kaji had to come up with a plan quickly if he wanted to win now.

Kaji decided on a simple plan, covering his fists with fire, and punching the forcefield-like ice. To his dismay, it had no effect. Looks like Kara prepared for this. Kaji went onto plan B: surrounding his whole body with fire, and making small fire walls around him to melt the ice/snow.

Anouncer: "Will Kaji make it out?"

Anouncer 2: "We don't know! Why are you asking that question when no one knows the answer yet?!"

                        Back to the fight

Kaji's plan was working! The fire walls were melting the ice/snow decently fast, and Kara was struggling to keep the forcefield-like ice/snow up.

Finally, Kaji's fire melted the forcefield-like ice/snow, and due to over-exerting herself, Kara passed out.

Anouncer: "And Kaji wins the fight!"

TimeSkip: 5 minutes after the fight

Y/N: "Wow Kaji, that was a really impressive fight!" You exclaimed.

Kaji: "Thanks Y/N"

Y/N: "And you too Kara! Even though you didn't win, you still were awesome in that fight."

Kara: "Thanks uh-"

Y/N: "You can call me Y/N."

Kara: "Thanks Y/N."

Anouncer: "For the next fight... It'll be Y/N against Spike!"

Spike: "So I get to go up against the pipsqueak.."

Y/N: "This'll be fun!" You smiled to yourself.


What do you guys think of the first fight?

Was the chapter good, bad, ok, horrible,

Anyways that's the end of the chapter, bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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