Rough day.

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Elizabeth's pov*

I had woken up to my daughter sleeping peacefully on my bed and i knew it was gonna be a rough morning because she has filming today and she's very tired, I sat up and rubbed my daughters small back and she whined so I picked her up and layed her head on my shoulder and said " ever you need to wake up baby" she just whined  into the crook of my neck I than took her out of my neck which just made her more angry and I put her on my hip and got out of bed with her and walked over to her dresser and got her ready for the day.

At set*

When I got to set with ever she was sleeping and I got her out of her car seat and woke her up which she was not happy about and she just wanted to sleep but then Chris came over and said " hey honey really for filming with me and Brie!" His high and loud voice scared even and she jumped and her lips started to quiver and she broke into tears wrapping her arms around my neck and I just held her and glanced up at Chris giving him the death stare and after I bopped her up and down until she calmed down and I took her over to Brie and she did her scenes and after we went home and I fed her and I looked down at her and said " baby you know mommy loves you so much and that's why she takes you to set right?" I felt her nod and then she started to close her eyes and I stroked her hair and I heard her small little voice no louder than a whisper say " wuv you mama" and then sleep consumed over the little Angel in my lap and I felt more grateful than ever for this little Angel in disguise.

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