First movie!

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Two years later* ( ever is three"

Lizzies pov*

Today was the day ever started her movie with Chris, I was exited for her but also I was scared because what if she didn't do well but I knew she would do I got up off of my bed and went to evers room and I saw her curled up into a ball in her bed snuggled tight and I walked in and sat down next to her and stroked her hair until she stirred away and opened her eyes and I tickled her and she giggled and I was just in awe on how fast the time passed she was now 3 and she was the height of a two year old but that's as okay she than sat up and wrapped her tiny arms around me and said " morning mama" I kissed the side of her face and said " morning baby let's get dressed so you can go to set!" She smiled but didn't move so I stood up no walked to her dresser and picked out her clothes and got her dressed and then we went downstairs and ate breakfast quickly and we were off to set,

At set*
Evers pov*

When mama told me we were going to set I was exited but also nervous because I was so little and I was gonna be the only kid so I was scared but when we got their my mama picked me up and took me inside to meet the people who made me look pretty and then I got dressed in my set clothes and then I held my mommy's hand as we walked to set and when I got their I was met by uncle Chris and auntie Brie since we were all filming together but their were people I didn't know so I felt scared.

Lizzies pov
All was going well until I looked down at ever and she was in sobbing tears and she reached up for me and I just picked her up and bounced her up and down while rubbing her back trying to calm her down and slowly her tears faded into sniffles and then I saw Brie walk over and stroke evers hair and then she said " hey ever I know this is scary but what if I hold you the rest of the time when we're not filming how does that sound!?" She didn't say a hint she just simply nodded and i passed ever to Brie and gave Brie her bag and Brie took it and just started playing with her and I was nervous about leaving her to film and then Chris put his hand on my shoulder and he said " she's in good hands" and I then kissed my daughter goodbye and went to set.

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