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Sometimes I forget that Yachi's my partner. Why couldn't the teacher pick Yamaguchi? Thinking about it the paring is quite weird, is it really coincidental that Y/n got paired with Kageyama and I got paired with Yachi? Seems quite odd

I got to art and sat down, suddenly this girl walked up to me "Uhm... Tsukishima" she said while looking down awkwardly with her hands behind her back

"Yes," I said while looking at her suspiciously

Sora hana, she is one of the most popular girls in school. Amongst the guys anyway, you could say she has a "reputation". Most of the girls don't really like her for that AND her bitchy attitude that she hides from guys to make her seem "cute" my only question here is: why in the fuck is she coming to talk to me?

⚠️stuttering uwu girl coming up⚠️

"I- I made this for y-you," she said while giving me a heart-shaped chocolate box that had a pink ribbon wrapped around it

Oh god no

"I made them from s-scratch," she said while looking at me and batting her eyelashes

I looked down at the chocolate box she did a good job of making it look like they were homemade but I noticed that the box was the same one from my favourite cafe, it wasn't a very popular cafe so she probably thought I wouldn't notice

"No you never," I said while trying to hold in laughs

"W-what d-do you mean?" she said looking at me shocked and pressing her arms together so that her yknow what's can look bigger

"Will you stop s-s-stuttering and talk properly, I can tell it's an act so you can seem all 'cute' which isn't working by the way it's just embarrassing and insulting" I said while rolling my eyes

"You don't have to be such a dick," she said as she completely changed her attitude

"See there we go," I said with a smile

"Whatever, this was a bet with my friends anyway," she said while looking at her friends who were giggling

"Usually, no one ever says no to me so we made a bet to see how many boyfriends I could get in a week, can you just pretend that you said yes?" She said while whispering so that her friends couldn't hear

"Why should I? What do I get out of it?" I asked her

"You get to pretend to date me!" she said with a smile like it was a good offer


"Why would I want to pretend to date someone like you?" I questioned weirded out

"Whatever, you're a no one anyway," she said while rolling her eyes

"I'd rather be a no one than a bitch"

"You're just a tall freak with no friends. I would keep my mouth shut if I were you," she said while narrowing her eyes at me

"I would rather have no friends than fake friends," I said while looking over at her friends and snickering

She looked at me shocked and stormed away

I know I'm hot but jeez

I smirked and started sketching a massive fish eating a dinosaur as I couldn't decide whether to draw a fish or a dinosaur. Yes it seems quite childish I know but I am in art class after all and I need to draw something to pass.

After a few more boring classes I was walking to English relieved as it was my last class before lunch, the only downside is I had to see Y/n

Ughhh I can't deal with her annoying me. Well, I could just annoy her

𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐔𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 || Tsukishima x reader story ||Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat