𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟽

Start from the beginning

Techno responded with a simple nod, giving you the go ahead to grab anything.

You scanned over the chests, picking out just what you needed. A shield to replace your near-broken one. Some extra arrows, which you slotted into your quiver. Several potions, most for healing and support.

"How much free time do you have?" Alex exclaimed, pulling out an axe.

"I mean, I avoid all social situations and the only training I do is to keep in shape, so pretty much every waking hour was grinded out here," Techno answered sheepishly.

Tommy grinned widely, looking at all the people in the room. "Guys, we don't- we don't have to blow things up, we can reclaim L'manberg! We can do it!"

"We've got the Blade," Wilbur said with a smile.

"We've got the Blade!" Tommy echoed, louder.

Techno's smile dimmed slightly, but he shook it off and gestured to the armor stands. "We've still got two sets of netherite left. Wilbur? You going to-"

"I don't need armor," Wilbur interrupted, putting up a hand. Techno shrugged.

Once everyone was fully equipped with their armor, Techno pointed to a second entrance - well, more an exit.

"Everyone, roll out!" he shouted. "Back to Pogtopia. We've got an army to speak to."


"The Pogtopian army is made up of four regiments, each with leaders, or generals. They each specialize in one area of combat."

Wilbur's voice was commanding as he spoke to the entirety of Pogtopia. Everyone had gathered into the biggest room of the ravine to listen to his directions.

"The close fighters, led by Tommy Innit, Tubbo Underscore, and Technoblade, will directly combat Manberg with melee weapons. The archers, led by Eret and Niki Nihachu, will inflict long-ranged damage. The special forces, directed by Quackity HQ, Fundy Soot, and Karl Jacobs, will support both of the previous groups with use of potions, traps, really anything you can get your hands on."

Everyone mentioned, along with you, stood by Wilbur as he talked. "And lastly, the flankers. Led by myself and Y/n L/n, we'll go around the opposite side of Manburg to surround them."

"You already know which regiment you've been assigned to," Wilbur stated clearly. "Please look to your regiment generals for further instruction. Good luck, everyone, and remember: For freedom and for liberty."

"For freedom and for liberty!" the room repeated.

You stood aside with Wilbur, watching your group make their way over to you. "I'll let you take this one?" the brunette murmured.

"Sure," you responded, clearing your throat to speak.

"As the flankers, we have the most influential role in the army," you addressed. "We have to carefully and quietly avoid the main battle, attacking when least expected. This means we'll have to make use of what we have. Invisibility and speed potions. Horses. Terrain know-how. Any advantages we can get, we need."

You pulled out a map of the Manberg-Pogtopia area, unrolling and spreading it out before pointing at one section. "Alright, so this is where we are right now. There's this dashed black line, see that... yeah, that's the general path we'll be using."

A raven-haired woman raised her hand. "What would happen if, say, we run into Manbergians on the path?"

"Our number one priority is to avoid being in their sight at all," you answered. "But, if it comes to it, we have to make sure that they can't report our positions."

A grim expression made its way onto your face, the group slowly getting what you were implying.

"We're- we're going to kill them?" Finch whispered, amber eyes wide.

"It's the last resort. We don't want to take lives that aren't necessary but... worst comes to worst, we'll have to."

Wilbur coughed slightly to interrupt the tension of the room. "Moving on. Once we get to the marked out point. We'll send a message to the rest of the team, and then hide. I need you all to listen carefully."

"You'll hear a short signal, sounding like this," the brunette whistled a short tune, "and after that, we attack."

A sudden static from his communicator, then Techno's voice crackling through it. "Wilbur. We're heading out."

"Great, we'll follow you in a second," Wilbur replied. He turned to face everyone. "Everyone got the plan?"

Some nodding,  some murmurs of assent, a few thumbs up. You entwined your hand with Wilbur's, raising it up and shouting five words.

"Then let's get L'manberg back!"


1222 words (without a/n)

Header by @/paper-glasses on Tumblr

me posting at a reasonable time? since when? impossible

school (for me) starts next week and i am vERY much scared. i hope you enjoyed the chapter and i'll try to keep them weekly with school :D gooooodbyeeeeee!

-Partially Human

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