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A loud ringing next to my ear woke me up. Marc's alarm clock wasn't something that i wanted to hear right now.

"What time is it?" I mumbled as I felt him shift next to me.

"Around 7. Go back to bed." He answered back while he left our warm bed behind.

I would've loved to sleep a little longer. Unfortunately that wasn't an option for me this morning. I needed to deep clean the whole apparment to show Luke how capable I was of taking care of Molly.

My body needed 30 more minutes before i was able to drag myself out of bed.

Marc was eating breakfast when I came down in just a shirt. It was one of his shirts that offered the perfect comfort this early in the morning. Pants are overrated anyway.

"You look way too tired to be awake right now." Marc spoke with a big smirk on his face.

"Luke is coming to pick us up around noon so this place needs to be clean before than."

"Ahh ywah right, that nosy doctor."

My focus on our conversation was already gone. I grabbed a mug and waited for my coffee to be done.

I suddenly felt two his hands on my waist and a warm breath in my neck. That made me turn around with a big smile on my face.

Marcs dark hair and slight stubble tickled my face. "You need to shave." I said as I playfully pushed him away.

He looked sad. "You don't like my little beard."

"I wouldn't call those little hairs a beard."

He chuckled and pulled me closer again. "I'll shave once I get home from work."

I kissed him on the lips. "You better."

Once he had left for his job it was already around 8. That meant I still had plenty of time to make both the apparment and ourselves looking presentable.

That statement was definitely better said then done.

I first started with laundry which took an insane amount of time because apparently Marc never does his.

When that was finished I wanted to get started on the living room but Molly woke up so I needed to mend to her first.

"I definitely need more time in one day." I said exhausted to Molly as I plopped down next to her on the couch.

I had successfully cleaned most of the apartment. Unless you were to look at all the small things and the still empty fridge and cupboards.

"How much time is there in a day?" Molly asked.

I wish I could back to thinking like that. When I was little time was basically non existent to me.

"24 hours." I answered.

She nodded as agreement and continued to keep her eyes focused on the tv. She was watching Blue which was definitely het favourite show at the moment. I also quite like it if I am honest.

I looked at time, thinking we still had a solid hour, but nope we only had 30 minutes.

"Shit! Molly get up we need to get ready to leave soon." I said panicked as I jumped up from the couch.

Molly giggled and repeated my curse word.

"No Molly I said chips. Don't say weird things like that."

I turned the tv off and guided Molly to the bathroom. She could thankfully get ready herself but she still needed somewhere to tell her to excatly do it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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