Chapter 2 - Just Follow Orders

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"Your concern has distracted, Eraser." A male said as a hand reached out for him. Quickly, Aizawa used his scarf to pull himself out of range as blue fire burst through the male's hand. "You pros otta lay off. We didn't come for any of you, so stay out of our way." Slowly the male dropped his hand as the flames dissipated and then he looked up. "Nice move, I guess you really are a pro." The male quickly raised his hand again, preparing to let lose some fire when Aizawa swung his scarf forward.

"Not so fast!" He yelled as he tightened the bindings. Quickly Aizawa pulled forward and rammed his knee into the male's face. Pushing his face down and twisting his left arm back, Aizawa spoke. "What do you want and where are your friends hiding." 

"My what?" the male hissed.

"Your right arms next." Aizawa said as he casually broke his left arm. "Be logical about this. At least save your legs. It would be a real pain to carry you off to jail without them."

"You can take your time, Eraser Head." The male said as sweat started to drip from his head. Quickly, the blue fire started to come out of his head.

"Mister Aizawa!" The male quickly looked up, seeing his students. They breathed heavily as they looked at him with concern. Abruptly, the male kicked free of Aizawa's grasp as he stood, before turning around.

"That's exactly the type of performance I'd expect from a UA teacher." The male hissed. Quickly, Aizawa pulled his bindings forward as he watched the male get cut in half. "Tell me. Are you worried for your students? I wonder if you can save them in the end.... Right Subject 76-?" With that, the male fell into a pill of grey sludge without getting to finish. Subject 76?

"What was that! Did he just melt!" One of the shorter students yelled as Aizawa rushed past them. Flickers of the girl passed his vision. She wasn't smiling, she was just observing and playing with his head.

"Everyone get inside!" Aizawa shouted as he ran forward. "I'll be back!" If the girl was here, as well as pro villains, they were in trouble.


"Common Dabi! You got your ass handed to you!" The masked male said dramatically. "By a magic scarf!" Dabi pressed further into a tree as the flames from his hand lit it one fire.

"How weak... That happened fast." Dabi said bored.

"Huh?" The male said before his voice changed. "Don't say that. It's better to frame this as the pro being too strong." The male then held his hand to his chin. "It's important to mind your self-esteem."

"Whatever twice, just make another." Dabi said, looking away. "We need to keep those pros occupied." Twice then turned towards him.

"Another small fry coming up!" Twice announced. "Leave it to me!" Slowly sludge started to form into the shape of Dabi. "By the way, why not use that girl more?" Twice said. "She could be pretty handy." The male said in a different voice.

"Oh yeah, Subject 7629?" Dabi said out loud. Quickly you appeared and moved your head to the side, awaiting an order. "Go ahead and use your full power on the pros. Distract them for a while." You nod disappearing again. Moving quickly, you go to the center of the camp, where you sensed the most heroes.

Closing your eyes you sat down and hugged yourself. Soon you let yourself be revealed and as that happened, the ground started to shake. One of the heroes punched at someone you had seen before and had to listen to. One of the trees quickly got uprooted and flew towards him. The male, dressed as a cat, soon bounced back. He looked frustrated as you picked up the tree again and turned toward a woman, who was fighting another person you had seen.

"Don't you dare!" The male hissed as he started for you. You nod and just throw the tree at him again. This time, he failed to dodge and got hit, flying in the opposite direction.

"Whew... Thanks for buying me time, Subject 7629..." The man said as he grabbed some sort of object. It was long and square-like. Suddenly a gust of wind erupted through the plaza, making you stand up, on high alert. 'Smash!' you heard the thoughts of a boy say as green electricity shot out. His thoughts seemed to rush by too quickly to read as he spoke.

"Mandele! Kota, he's safe!" The boy yelled.

"You found him!" The girl said in surprise.

"And I got a message from Aizawa!" The boy shouted as he slid across the ground. "We need you to use telepathy! Tell the students they can use their quirks!" Standing you feel the ground start to shake again, a few trees being uprooted as you do so. The green-headed boy looked at you in shock as the male hero shot towards you.

"I don't think so!" He yelled as you moved to the side. He quickly slides across the ground, preparing to attack again. Raising your hand you bring it down using the tree as a weapon. He gets crushed by it as you stare at him, dead.

"You need to go back to camp! Those injuries aren't normal!" Mandele yelled as you hit the male away from you. You noticed how the green-headed boy's arms were purple and mangled.

"I can't!" The boy said as he ran across the yard. Quickly you shoot a tree over, but the boy dodges and continues running. "I know why they're here!" The boy continued directing his attention toward the forest. "They're after Kacchann!" 

"Kacchann!" The woman yelled in confusion. "Who's that!" Her gaze traveled towards the boy as he went towards a villain. "No, wait, stop!" She yelled as the male with the pillar looked at the boy. 'That rumbled in the ground earlier. Only three people in our group fight like that. Sounds like one of them talked. Could it have been muscular? Don't tell me that kid is more powerful than him.' The male's thoughts were interrupted by him yelling.

"Subject 7629! Get the boy!" You turn towards the green-headed boy as the trees fall down to the ground. Quickly you started for him, when abruptly a knife was thrown towards you. It stopped mid air as you continued forward. The knife soon pointing towards the kid.

"Don't follow that boy!" The other guy yelled, making you stop. The knife then fell to the ground.

"What the hell spinner!" The male with the pillar yelled at Spinner as he dodged an attack from the cat hero. The male cat hero soon went after the same villain he was after. "That boy was on the priority kill this! Send Subject after him!"

"Shigaraki is who wants him dead, Magne." Spinner said as the two got distracted. You still stood there at the edge of the forest, unmoving.

"Yeah! And he's the reason we're here?"  Magne yelled.

"But that boy is someone who Stain chose to spare." Spinner narrowed his eyes. "Which means he was deemed worthy of being called a true- '' Suddenly the male was kicked and instantly passed out. Magne was soon hit by the cat-themed male hero as you turned. A dangerous glint passed your vision. Since the two who gave you orders were gone, you had one goal. Both were breathing heavily, but they would soon be at your mercy.

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