A Life Changing Offer

Start from the beginning

"Women don't have dragons" The Emperor glares at me again.

"Dragos women don't have dragons or can't. I am from Wintervale and women from Wintervale can have dragons. They are born with us much like yours are however we must earn the bond they can give us and they can find someone unworthy of them."

"That doesn't tell me why you think Kiris will do as you ask."

I ignore Kyresan.

"Consider your options wisely. You have three days to decide."

The Emperor walked away he looked rather angry as well. I'm guessing no one talks to him the way I just did. He can't be hasty in his actions with me if he wants Wintervale to stop icing over Dragos. Even if I were to marry one of the princes that wouldn't change and I wouldn't want it to either. Wintervale isn't known for having a strong army. In fact I don't think we even have one so they are using the only thing they can use. The Ice Dragon's. Ice Dragons can create ice and snow and even cause the temperature in some areas to drop completely and allow snow to fall for long periods of time.

A guard returns with a doctor. The doctor checks out Nao and insists that he be moved to this clinic so he can be examined better.

Prince Vex takes Aria out of the room even though she seems to be unwilling to go. It makes me angry to think that she could have saved the people who died today. She could have saved her sister if she had looked for her or even used the fact that she would the Empress to her advantage and asked her Prince to end slavery but she didn't she only took care of herself and married a man who wants nothing to change. I hate Dragos so much I don't think I can put it into words.

"You should leave as well this is no place for you."

"Don't tell me what to do" I glare at him.

"You are a lady and this is the room for the dead and the dead alone."

"I am not a Lady."

"Despite your fiery temper and you biased judgement you are a Lady."

"So I am biases am I? I'm allowing the horrible experiences I have lived and watched dictate how much I hate your people and you don't think that right."

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Yes you did. You think I am being unreasonable and petty. That maybe a little true but I am not the one who is blind you and your family are. You think that you are above anyone and everyone simply because you have dragons. That may help you keep your own people in line but it's not why most people are afraid of you. I heard things that have been said to happen in the palace horrible things your family does to people who make the simplest mistake, killing and torturing the female servants for things that are as petty as looking beautiful without makeup on their faces or for dropping something or using the wrong hair pin. Yet you call me petty and unreasonable. Maybe you should take a long hard look in the mirror at yourselves before you start judging others."

"My father just wants Dragos to go back the way it was before Wintervale began attacking us."

"You attacked us first. You keep insinuating that we made the first move when we didn't. Your people went into our home killed our people and enslaved us. We did nothing to you, nothing to warrant your attack and enslavement of us. Your slave trades started this war and now we are finishing it. The only way this war will end is if you end slavery altogether because that and only that will ensure all of those who were taken can go home. Marrying me won't do anything to stop it. Maybe I could change it if I ask nicely for it to end but I don't want to. No one should be allowed to own another person, ever."

"I understand what you are saying but this has been the way of Dragos for centuries."

He doesn't understand he is a Prince and probably has had everything handed to him and done for him all his life. He doesn't know how some people can truly struggle under this harsh leadership. But the people who really suffer are the slaves who aren't allowed to have anything of their own.

"If you'll allow me I will give them there last rites."

"You know nothing about my culture. Where do you get off offering someones last rites?"

"I am a Priest."

"I'm sorry you're a what."

"I am a Priest. You don't seem to know as much about Dragos as you think you do. Kieran is actually a title given to Priest. My full official title is Prince Kyresan The Kieran. Some people call me Kieran Kyresan; It means Priest Kyresan or the most common one Prince Kieran, which means The Priest Prince."

I am stunned with this. But I am not surprised I did not know about this. The slaves are not allowed to attend any religious temples, events or anything like that. They are seen as vermin with no right walk in to a place like that. It makes me wonder what kind of god he prays to. 

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