Lord Beerus X Female Reader

Start from the beginning

Before him is a lovely young female purple Sphinx who is helping her father's stall. She is a (height) purple Sphinx with (weight) looking figure. She has a slimmer tail than Beerus's and her eyes are more innocent. She also has smaller black nose, smaller cat ears, and she wore her (insert favorite outfit here based on opinions or dbs outfit choice, sorry but I thought it should work here).

Beerus stares at her in fascination while watching her work. The old merchant noticed the deity's behavior, "That's my daughter (Y/n)-Chan my lord, she is my only child I ever cared for '', he said. Beerus nods, "You raised her well. I wish to have an audience with her", he said. "As you wish my lord", the old merchant bowed to him and turned to her, "(Y/n)-Chan, come greet our guests", he called out to her. 

(Y/n)-Chan finished sweeping the floor and placed the broom down. She turned around and walked over to them. "Daughter, meet Lord Beerus, the god of destruction of this universe", her father introduced her to Beerus.

She bowed to Beerus, "Pleasure to meet you my lord", she greeted him with her best white smile. Beerus felt a strange feeling in his mind and heart. His hand reached down, held her hand up to his lips and placed a kiss on her hand, "The pleasure's all mine (Y/n)-Chan", he said in a sexy tone of voice. She felt herself giggled; finding him very handsome and funny. 

The old merchant owner can tell that the deity has interests in his daughter. "(Y/n)-Chan, why don't you show our lord around the area. I'll gladly entertain our other guest while you both are away", the old merchant suggested.

"Yes father", and turned to Lord Beerus, "Come, Lord Beerus. We got interesting sights to see", she said calmly. Lord Beerus watches her smile at him as they walk through the town square. He truly finds her very beautiful. She showed them the sights near town: the newly built opera theatre, newly built restaurants, and when it's late, they visited their lake that sparkled beautiful clear waters. Since recovering from the terrible drought, food shortage, and ending the never-ending war, everyone from generation to generation has rebuilt their planet, as a peaceful and beautiful planet.

They sat down on the bench, watching the orange red sky; the birds squawked while soaring through the sky. The gentle wind blows past them, feeling the breeze hit their fur skins in perfect temperature weather. He sighed, "This is how I imagined living here, a perfect world with no problems", he commented. 

(Y/n)-Chan turns to look at him, she smiles, "Yes, it is perfect", she replied. She heard stories from her father when she was little girl, about how he and his twin brother were once princes of their country; they were supposed to lead their ancestors when they're crowned kings, but the princes showed no interest and abandoned their planet to become deities.

After that, the ancestors suffered while being ruled by their youngest sibling who only wants power and greed. However, after eighty years and the ruler passed away, the planet became a city state based home, each country governed instead of kings. She would never have imagined what it was like back then, but she wondered why he came back after many eons later. "Lord Beerus", she said to him. He turned to look at her, "Yes?" "Can I ask you a question?", she asked. He nods; "How come you abandoned our planet eons ago?", (Y/n)-Chan asked, curious. Lord Beerus felt embarrassed yet she has the right to know.

He sighed, "To be frank with you, I was selfish back then", he confessed. (Y/n)-Chan tilted her head to the side, "Selfish huh?", she said, giving him a teasing smirk on her face. Lord Beerus stared in surprise yet let out a chuckle. "Yes, me and my brother were very selfish and arrogant; we both wanted to enjoy our lives, wanted to live a peaceful life of leisure and fun. But when the war broke out and nearly destroyed our planet, our father decided to appoint me and Champa the next kings to rule over the planet. To be honest, we both don't want that responsibility in our hands. It was too much to bear and we decided to leave our planet to become destroyers", he explained.

Beerus can feel her gaze at him; she probably thinks he is still selfish and won't bother to see him ever again. Beerus sighed, "You probably think that I'm a terrible prince am I?", he asked her. "No", she said. Beerus turned to her with a surprise look, "No? Why not?", he asked her. She smiles while leaning her head on his shoulder, "To be fair Lord Beerus, everyone deserves something in their lives. I originally wanted to travel far away from home, looking forward to new adventures, new friends, and hopefully someone I would fall for. But after my mother died ten years ago from internal disease, I was placed with the burden to take care of my father while he's alive. I don't really mind caring for him, but...I only wish to find a new life once he's gone", she explained to him.

Beerus finds her amazing female with big dreams to look forward to. He felt pity for her for how she is bonded to care for her father. But there's a different reason why he's drawn to her: he loves her. It was crazy at first because they just met and didn't know each other well. But he no longer finds it weird because he wanted to save her. He stood up; she gave him a confused look, "Something wrong my lord?", she asked. 

Beerus offered his hand to her, "Nothing's wrong...no, this is not right for you. I want you to save you by claiming you as my bride", he confessed. She gave him a surprised look, "What? You want me?", she asked. He nods, "Yes, I hate to see you as a slave to your father til you're old. I believe that you deserve a new life, filled with new adventures and new memories with me. I know we haven't met before but I already feel the love for you. So, what will you say? Will you be my bride?", he asked.

She felt dumbfounded, yet she felt excited. She quickly stood up and embraced him. She squeals while face planted into his chest. Beerus chuckles at her reaction, "So does this mean a yes?", he asked. She looks up and smiles happily at him, "Lord Beerus, yes; I want to go with you! I...I", she stuttered, unable to speak from the excitement. But her lips are sealed by Beerus's lips. She moans through the kiss. Lord Beerus wraps his arms around her waist while they make out.

Tongues flicked, danced as their mouths interlocked each other. She squealed a bit when she felt his hand groping her rear end. She broke the kiss and giggled, "Ah stop it Beerus~", she said. Lord Beerus smiled, "Come on, let's go home together", he said while holding her hand. She held his hands and went back to the stall.

She felt bad for leaving her father; she told her father that she accepted Lord Beerus's proposal as his bride. Her father knew this day would come. But he placed his hands on her shoulders and said, "(Y/n)-Chan, I'm a big burden when you always take care of me. But now, it's your turn to have a life of your own. Don't worry about me child, I'll take care of myself for now on. I wish you and Lord Beerus a best life together", and he hugged his daughter.

(Y/n)-Chan shed tears of joy and hugged her father, "Thank you father", and then, she went home with Whis and Lord Beerus, never to return to her home planet for a long time.

Three years later, she is now the goddess and wife of Lord Beerus. She and Lord Beerus got married two years ago and just six months ago, they welcomed triplets into the family. Lord Champa envied his brother yet he felt glad that Beerus got the life that he wanted. 

First child is their son (boy name) named after her father. Their second oldest is a daughter named (girl name) after her mother and middle named after Beerus's mother, and then the youngest child is (child name) named after (insert boy or girl name).

Beerus finds this challenging to raise triplets, even when Whis is away, but he and (Y/n)-Chan worked together to raise them well. He is actually happy to live a peaceful life while being the deity of destruction. Instead of thinking of retiring and instead of choosing one of his children to be next candidates, he will let them choose who they want to be when they're older. For now, he and (Y/n)-Chan will watch them while they grow.

The End

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