The First Fangblade

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.... Cole ....

Nya was talking about the fangpire skelton the some villagers found. I was mor efocused on the drawing i was making of me and my sister fighting together in battle. when Nya sudenly asked if anyone was wearing any perfume. Jay then started to complain,
"kaaaiii you said it was cologne" kai shruged
"eh i get them confused"
Zane kai and i all started laughing then got up to leave the control room, jay stayed behind. we head out to look for the four fang blades.

                            .... jay ....

After the guys left i hung back to explain myself to Nya.
"uh hey uh Nya im sorry. The reason I was—you know—I went to Kai because—look. What I'm trying to say is—" she cut me off befor i could continue.
"I know. It's just a cruel joke. I should be fine. Please, go fight snakes." i had to explain myself before she got the wron idea.
       "No, no, no, no. I was trying to impress you. Before Sensei left, he said our heart was the key to unlocking our True Potential." she started to look down on herself.
"Impress me? But I look so..." i cut her off,
"Fantastic." she starts to play with her hair, she looks soo prety. "Look, maybe, if you'll let me, I can take you to some big fancy restaurant. You don't have to, if you don't want to..." i started to trail off. then nya added onto my thought.
"You mean like a date?" i went with what she said
"Um, yeah?" she responds faster than i thought she would."Sure! I'd love to. But I have to go now before the perfume toxins enter my bloodstream and I go into shock. See you tonight." she leaves the room and i start to celebrate.
"Yes!" i do a litle celabrtory dance and in the process prick myself on the fangpire skelaton. "Ow! Aah! Man." i leave the room to go join up with the guys.
                           time skip

                          .... cole ....

im back in the control room now minding my own business when jay walks in all dressed up.
"whoa where are you going Mr. Fancy? jay turning to respond,
"didnt you hear? im taking nya to a nice restraunt. a really nice restraunt." then kai joind the conversation raining on jays parade.
        "You might wanna change your plans. The bridge just picked up evidence of Serpentine activity over at Mega Monster Amusement Park. " kai pointed at the monitor. jay and i looked at the pictures on the screen when jay noticed,
"Hey, that's Pythor." Zane then joind in on the discussion.
"Pythor would not be there for fun. We believe a Fangblade may be buried underneath the park." jay then started whining.
"We can't let them get it! Oh, but my date..." kai then points out."Jay, if they get all four of them, Pythor can unleash the Great Devourer. Get your priorities straight, man." jay then walks out of the control room to talk to nya i guess.

                  .... jay ....

i walk down below deck to knock on nyas door to tell her about the change of plans. She hears me knock but doesnt answer so i start to open the door.
"uh Nya you there?" she slams the door shut on me "Argh!"
        "Don't come in! I'm getting ready." she shouts
"Well, um—I just wanna talk to you about our date. You know, I'm hearing really bad reviews for the restaurant and I just..." im trying to cover up the real reason for why im doing this so she doesnt get the wrong idea. "You know, I think we should cancel." i hope shes not upset with me for this.
"Oh, you're canceling?" she opened the door, and i started to back out of my previous statment.
"No, no. I just wanted to know if you would rather go to the Mega Monster Amusement Park instead." phew i hope my recovery wasnt that noticeble.
"Really? That would be perfect! But aren't you overdressed?" she points out.
"Well, yeah. Of course, I need to change—" i hear a noise that intrupts my thought. "What was that?"
"Nothing! You know what? I'll dress up too. Looks fun." she changes the subject back.
        "Hey, I was thinking, you know, we'd take my Storm Glider there." hopefuly that might impress her.
"Sounds like fun." she walks out from behing a changing screen in this beautiful seqined dress whis has me smiling. "I'm in your hands." we walk off and head to the amusment park.

                   .... Lila ....

Pythor left to find retrive on of the fangblades so there are less snakes around right now. Lloyd fell asleep soon after they left. The other snakes are having another slither pit right now so i decided to try some meditation while their busy. Relaxing and taking deep breaths i close my eyes and foucs thinking about the ninja. As i concentrated a picture started to form in my mind.
It was jay and nya at...Mega Monster Amusment Park? It looked like they were on a date. Jay looked like he was telling her stories, i could even hear some of what he was saying.
        "Yeah, even when I was young,......bred for knot badge in Little Scouts....." last time i was seeing visions i couldnt hear anything i guess this time is diffrent. shaking my head traying to focus back on the immage since the serpentine we making lots of noise i realized i had lost the audio and i was back to just watching. Jay and nya continued talking for a bit untill jay ran off and unfourtntly for me my vision followed him into the guys restroom. EEWW! this is not something i wanted to see, then i noticed something was off with jay. he had tiny little fangs and this hand was turrning green and had scales on it. He was turning into a snake. the vision then panned away from him thankfuly and i saw the other ninja. Just as qucikly as i saw them the vision turned back to jay. He was talking himself up in the mirror when he sudenly grew a tail. He walked out of the bathroom and went to the table he and nya were at but she wasnt there. Then the other customors in the restraunt saw jays snake features and started atacking him.
         My vision panned back over to the others again. they were in a ride and had come across pythor and the other snakes. They seemed to be arguing but that ended fairly quickly when the snakes started atacking. Zane tried to use his new abilitys but froze them instead of the snakes. the vision stayed on the immage of them frozen for a while after the snakes ran off.
The vision then went back to jay being harassed by the people in the restraunt before he ran into the bathroom again. Luckly he didnt stay in there for long, he used his scarf to cover his face and walked back out telling the people some ruse i assume.
         Then he ran ou to the  building with a longer tail. Spotting some snakes he charged up his nunchucks and got ready to fight. the snakes took one look at him then they broke out in laughter and it looked like pythor made a witty quip. Jay charged at them but then stoped and the vision turned with him when he spotted nya tyed up on one of the rolercoasters. Pythor singialed one of the snaked to start the coaster and he fliped the switch then they made their exit. Jay quickly ran to the coaster and hoped on befor the carts got too high. Nya and jay looke like they were talking but i still couldnt hear anything. Jay started pulling on the chains to try and free her befor they hit the sabatoged part of the tracks. They continued talking and made it to one of the dropes on the rolercoaster which blew off jays headscarf after he sat down next to nya then he started shouting something but i couldnt tell what. then nya said something that suprised jay. they kept talking while heading to their demise when nya suddenly kisses jay on the cheek. Oh my god she actuly kissed him. The right after jay started to glow and the snake features dissapered. They said a few more words then jay stood up and started glowing. He must have discoverd his true potential. He was fully made of electricity and zaped himself to the front of coaster using his powers to stop it right before the sabatoged part of the tracks.
        My head started to throb and i felt something shaking me. Opening my eyes i noticed i was now laying down and lloyd was gently shaking my body.
"Are you ok? you fell over and hit your head while you were doing whateverr that was."
"Yeah im fine my head just hurts, and i was medating. I saw the ninja and pythor. he has the first fang blade." im glad he made sure i was fine.

word count 1526

AN: sorry about forgetting this story and id love for you to comment on my mistakes i think faster than i type.

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