Chapter 15: Unexpected Reunion

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He quickly got cut off when Sakuragi head butted the student with his might. Rei covered her mouth from disbelief while the others looked at the senior in amazement.

He quickly got up and continued to call for Sakuragi who was mumbling things, "Wait a minute Sakuragi!! The judo team has never been defeated!! If you join us, we'll be invincible!!"

A bicycle bell rang, Rukawa who was the one riding the bike, he hit and ran through the senior. He was unconscious from his slumber and almost hit other students inside the campus.

Rei was only bewildered from the sight before questioning who was the student that got hurt multiple times, she leaned a bit closer to Yohei and asked, "Yohei-kun, who was that?"

"Ah that guy? Apparently he tried to bribe Sakuragi to join the Judo team, I guess he is still going at it even after the decline."

"Eh?! Really? What did he try to bribe with?"

Yohei lifted a finger to his chin and thought for a while, "Oh yeah, the item was images of Haruko when she was in middle school."

Rei took a step back and looked at him in shock, she was startled how nonchalantly Yohei mentioned such an item. And it kinda creeped her out, "R-Really?... Just where on earth did that man got those pictures?"

"Who knows." Yohei shrugged his shoulders and then continued to walk through the gates.


Classes were normal and practice was the same, Sakuragi got a new pair of shoes where Rei got to see it in the noon practice. The athletes trained hard and Rei did her usual job.

Ayako blew her whistle as Akagi called his teammates to gather up.

Rei's POV

The boys gathered up facing us and us facing them, they all huffed for their breaths with their sweat wetting their skin. I noticed the sportsmen were diminishing in numbers in the first year's group.

The captain let out a shaky breath and then began to say, "Only the 5 of you are left out of all the freshmen!"

Five, only five remained strong. Some gave up in the middle of a game during practice, it irritates me but it was their choice and we have no right to keep them if they do not want to stay.

But stuff like this is normal, it's much worse in the girl's team though, my former team that is. Remaining sportswomen would usually be 1 or 2, so it does give me a smile to see these five standing strong.

"The regionals is already near!! And after that it'll be the state final!! We'll have to live with the current line up!!" Akagi stated.

Ayako also spoke about the 200 high school basketball teams in the state. And around those 200 teams, Kainan high is the champion. For 10 consecutive years they have won each finals, this made me nervous for our team. And besides Kainan, Shoyo high is also a threat for being a runner up each year.

And the team that we faced that has the genius Sendoh and monstrous Uozumi, Ryonan high! The tension of the atmosphere made everyone stiffen, such powerful teams were mentioned and soon enough we must come to face /them.

Akagi's voice cut me back to reality, "Listen up! The team that will defeat all these opponents are.."

"SHOHOKU!!!" Sakuragi's fired up voice startled me a little as he continued, "We got the super genius Sakuragi and giant monster Gorilla!! We will definitely win!!"

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