The Old Friends (Part 2)

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As soon as Wanda heard the news she panicked he said he wouldn't get hurt but he did and now he fell of a train. She stopped pacing and tears started to fall sobs can be heard. She can't do anything about it.

Days gone by Wanda didn't eat or get out of her room. Her parents got worried.

Weeks gone by Wanda ate and get out of her room once in a while. Until something happens. A bomb out of nowhere crashed into the Maximoff's house killing the Maximoff's parents and making Wanda the only Maximoff's alive.

But months goes by and she has no where to live except in the streets. That was until a man offered her something that could change her life forever.


(Time skip because i'm lazy so here's a short summary, ever since Wanda got her powers she became immortal never saw Bucky in her life one of the best train killer. CW didn't happen)

"This is Bucky" Cap said we all turn to face him

He looks oddly familiar tho I don't know how I know him from.

185 words a bit short but I'll put chapter 3 idk when

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