Rain Rain Go Away

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It was raining outside the compound. Wanda was sitting in her room watching Netflix. When someone well something (is Vision a thing or a human?) came in her room via the wall. Wanda jump then thunder came making her yelp she hates the thunders of the rain. The vision was just standing there looking at her worried.

"Vis we talk about this use the door next time"

" yes well sorry. Mr. Rogers has asked me to tell you it's time to eat"

"Say I'll be right down"


You see Steve is not letting anyone eat until everybody is down. In fact, everybody is down except for Wanda.

"Vision didn't you say Wanda say she'll be right down?"

"Yes I did"

"Well Vision where the hell is she"

"Steve, Tony said a bad language"

"Shut up Maria you don't want grandpa Steve to get mad."

"You know what Romanoff?"

And that mischievous smirk is now on her face.

"I do not know"

It's been at least an hour since Vision called Wanda and now they're worried sick.

"You know, I could check on her if you like"

"you sure Buck?"

"yea, what could go wrong it's not like she's attacked"

"Don't jinx it, Manchurian Candidate"

"I'm not jinxing it, Stark"

Bucky went up the stairs halfway through the stairs Bucky heard the Thunder striking then the storm he heard a loud yelp coming from Wanda's room he hurried up. he barged through the door with a gun in his hand. Making Wanda jump and shriek and hide in her cover but making her powers wrap around her hands.

"Oh James you scared me you shouldn't have barged in like that you scared the hell crap out of me," she said breathlessly

"Sorry, I heard you yelp are you ok?"

"That was just the lightning storm and TV"

Bucky turns his head to just realize the TV is on with the show Stranger Things.

"Oh sorry, you're watching Stranger Things without me?"

"erm, yes"

"Do you mind me watching with you?"

"Sure why not"

Bucky sat on the chair but Wanda asks him to sit on the bed instead.

so he did.

Meanwhile downstairs it has been 55 minutes since Bucky went up and the food was very cold now.

"And now Manchurian Candidate is gone too"

"Are they doing it?"

"Eww Sam Why would you think of something like that?"

"oh c'mon now Maria don't act like you don't do it with Sam"

Maria and Sam blush as red as lava

"Shut Up Nat"

"Where are they?"

"Anybody want to check on them?"


"Not in"

basically no one

"Fine I'll go geez"

Steve goes up the stairs he knocks on Wanda's door and didn't hear anything the walls are also very thick but you would know when someone is knocking and when they answer. So that got Steve worried. Steve opened the door quietly to find Bucky and Wanda looking at the door. Steve was relieved to find them safe.

"you were supposed to be down-"

"shhh it's about to get to the best part"

"come join us punk"

Steve look at the Tv and notice it was on so he sat down. but still recovering to the shock that Bucky called him punk.

they started watching Star Wars. The Avengers got worried about why they've gone so long. So they decided to go in together instead of one by one because Nat, Sam, and Maria have gone in and one of them has come back and it's been 3 hours at least.

So the rest, Tony, Thor, Bruce, Clint, Laura, Scott, Hope, Vision, and Peter went in with them wearing the suits. Tony blast the door to just get a bunch of looks that say

- What the hell

- What is wrong with you?

- What?


- oh dear God



"whoops" (Wanda)

"Downstairs now, FRIDAY reheat the food"

When they went downstairs they were met with Pepper shaking her head at them and the look of disapproval.

Meanwhile, Bucky and Wanda stayed behind.

"We should do that more often"

"yea, we should"

Wanda went on her tiptoes to kiss Bucky who Bucky leans down in response. You see before Steve rudely interrupt they were making out not doing the 'thing' But talking and kissing that 'thing'.

"Machuate Candidate and Sabrina food are ready!"

Way to ruin the moment Tony

They went downstairs to be greeted by the delicious smell of food.

They ate and watch the movies more often but with the whole crew sometimes in Wanda's bedroom or the living room while Hope and Pepper prepare the foods. But sometimes it's just Bucky and Wanda watching by themself in Wanda's room while the others are watching downstairs. But of course, they kiss like that.


Anyways 756 words. I did this just because it was raining before I started at 13 and finish at 22:7 so yay. This one sucks you have to agree but yea thanks for reading bye. Oh and I'm updating soon thanks. and also how is your guy's day hope y'all are doing good.

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