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"Bucky I swear to Thor of you make me fall you're gonna regret it"

"Oh relax, Wands I'm not gonna let you fall"

"Now step one foot out the car then the other one"

She did as he was told. When Wanda step out she could hear the ocean she had a theory she'll be in the beach, I mean it's the ocean.

"Take it off"

"The blindfold? "

"Yes, the blindfold"

Wanda did she did a small gasp, it was beautiful, Bucky brought her to the beach with the best sunset

"It's beautiful isn't it?"

"Yes it is"

"Come here"

Wanda ran to his arms hugging him tightly as they sway to the sounds of the waves.

They lay down to where Bucky set the blankets it was comfortable.

Wanda snuggled to Bucky more they're heads touching, Bucky's arms under Wanda as they watch the sunset. And they got the whole beach to themselves.

It was beautiful the view they took pictures play with sand snuggled.

It was moments like this they both will cherish forever.

"Thank you"

"For what? "


"It's no biggie"

"Really Buck thanks"

"Your welcome doll"

"I love you"

"I love you too doll"


This one was short
But fluff

WinterWitch One Shot Where stories live. Discover now