Diamond is Unbreakable 2

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The man with a greyish blonde spiky hair, wearing a red hat, a milkman's outfit, came down the street with a bicycle, putting two bottles in front of the Higashikata's front door as Tomoko perked up, shouting out for him.

"Milkman! Watch your step over there!" She tried to warn the retreating man who just stopped having stepped into dog excrements.

In March of 1994 he happened to meet three fourteen-year-olds. He raped and murdered two of them. You recalled, getting out of bed, rubbing your sleepy eyes from the jet lack, looking out of the window, the sun blinding you as you groaned frustratedly, hitting your damn alarm clock, ready to change. Since early on the inner clock forced you out of bed punctually, but flying a plane was really exhausting so you would need one to keep your schedule, in this moment you felt ready to throw it out of your window as you did not get it to turn off, having lent it from Josuke.

"Did you step in it?" Tomoko asked, running up to him.

"Yes, it appears so." The man replied frowning.

"Seriously, it pisses me off. Letting their dog shit in front of someone else's house. I am really thinking of keeping it and putting it in the owner's pocket tomorrow morning." Tomoko huffed, holding a small red shovel in her hand.

"Um... I left your mild over there. I will be off now." The man smiled sickly, tipping her hat, ready to walk away as Tomoko narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"You... You are not the usual milkman." She pointed out as the man stopped, turning around slowly.

"Yes, I am just covering this morning." He chuckled as Tomoko nodded in understanding.

Because the third boy was from a rich family, he demanded a ransom. You recalled, yawning again, stretching as you had finally managed to turn the alarm clock off, fixing the last buttons of your suit, walking down the stairs, expression grim. That is what led to his arrest.

"I might just be picky, but the seal on this milk's lid is broken." Tomoko stated, picking up one of the milk bottles, pointing at it.

"Huh? Is it?"

"Yeah, right here!" Tomoko shouted holding it right in his face.

"Oh, yeah..." He gritted out.

"See? It is broken!"

"Yeah. Sorry about that." He apologized, exchanging the bottle, smiling before turning around.

"Thanks." Tomoko replied, turning back to get inside the house as Angelo's face turned grim the moment she turned her back to him, face contorting to one being in sheer anger.

" Tomoko replied, turning back to get inside the house as Angelo's face turned grim the moment she turned her back to him, face contorting to one being in sheer anger

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