Chapter #28 The Moon is pretty isn't it?

Start from the beginning

"It's a long story, one we do not have time for" I responded. Then we went down some stairs, went through a Stone corridor in the basement, and looked for a painting of a fruit bowl. When we found it, I tickled the pear and then it opened, showing us inside a kitchen full of house-elves.

"You can ask for any snack you want. Just be a Little quick, we aren't supposed to be here" I said

"Breaking the rules? Who are you?" Char asked playfully. Then she turned to one of the house-elves that appeared in front of us.

"Hello, I'm Kringle. What could Kringle serve you?" Said the little house elf.

"I would like some Pumpkin Pasty to please" Said Charlotte, pumpkin pasties are her favorite snacks.

"I would love some Cauldron Cake Kringle," I said as well.

"Kringle is most honored to serve misses," Said the house-elf and with a snap of his fingers, our snacks appeared on the table that was beside us. We sat, ate and we stayed there for a while.


When I looked at the clock on the wall I could see that it was getting late. So Charlotte and I said our goodbyes to the house elves and went outside. We asked a few Gryffindor Friends of Harry, Ron, and Hermione if they had come back, but everyone said no. So I decided we go to the Whomping Willow again.

Charlotte and I were going downhill to the Whomping Willow, it wasn't very fun thanks to the fact that Charlotte hasn't stopped complaining, which I totally understand. But it's getting quite annoying.

"Come on," I said

"But, but we could've waited for them at the castle. It's getting late, with Hermione they would've been there before curfew" Said Charlotte, even if she is right. We cannot be sure.

"Don't be foolish, we needed to come"

When the Whomping Willow was finally in sight, we could also see Hermione and Ron sitting on a rock... With blood in his leg.

"Ron! What happened to our leg?" Charlotte asked worriedly.

"Charlotte, Audrie! Where have you been?" Ron asked

"I went up to get Char to her senses and come here. As you can see, it was something that took a while"

"Who's that? And where's Harry?" Charlotte asked pointing at a man who Professor Lupin was helping out the the hole. What is Professor Lupin doing here? Before Ron could answer, the man came up to Ron and grabbed his arm and begged

"Ron! Haven't I been a good friend? A good pet? You won't let them give me to the dementors, will you? I was your rat!" Then he turned to Hermione, begging once more "Sweet girl! Clever girl! Surely you won't let them-"

He was cut off by Professor Lupin dragging him away. Looking back at Ron confused he told us

"That's Peter Pettigrew, apparently he has been my family's rat for 12 years. As for Harry, he is totally fine. Right now he is talking to Sirius Black over there" Ron answered. Sirius Black. Sirius Black is here! Talking to Harry! This is my chance to see if he is the right person!

"WITH SIRIUS BLACK?! Is the bloody mental? And I'm not even going to ask about your rat drama" Charlotte said.

"Yeah, well it's a pretty long story. Both about Sirius and the rat"

"We should get you to the hospital wing," I said while looking at Rons bloody leg. That must really hurt. "Oh, the moon is beautiful today" Looking at the full moon. I love full moons, they light up the night sky and to me, there is nothing more beautiful than a night sky full of stars and with a full moon.

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