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The Monday after Trelawney's teaching dismissal, I was summoned to Dumbledore's office. When I arrived in the room, I noticed that Dumbledore was not sat at his desk as he usually was. Instead, he was sat at the head of a small rectangular table; Snape and McGonagall sat opposite each other on either side. "Mr Black," Dumbledore greeted, "thank you for coming, please take a seat." I took the seat in the wool upholstered chair at the other end facing Dumbledore.

"Order meeting?" I questioned, noting who was present.

Dumbledore nodded, "it troubles me that I must ask for your help so close to the full moon, but the timing could not be better."

"What is it?" I asked, getting straight to the point. A part of me was excited to help, all I'd done so far was divine what the weather would be like for other people's missions and listen out for any Voldemort propaganda in the Slytherin common room – of which there was little.

"There seems to have been sightings of werewolves in the Forbidden Forest," Dumbledore said.

"Angeline..." I muttered quietly.

"What was that?" Snape interrogated.

"Angeline," I spoke louder, "she's one of Greyback's." I'd been able to smell her during Grubblyplank's lesson a few days prior.

"And how exactly is it you know her name?" Snape said coldly.

"I met her last term, I could smell her."

"And you didn't think to tell The Order?" He snapped.

"Now, now Severus," Dumbledore said calmly, "and what was the topic of the conversation you had with her?" His eyes narrowed on me, and I could feel myself becoming a little nervous. The only person who knew about Angeline was Hermione, and neither of us had talked about her since that night.

"She wanted me to leave with her, return to Greyback," I answered, "we duelled a little, then she apparated."

"That's impossible," Snape sneered, "apparition isn't possible within the school or the grounds."

"The laws pertaining to a lycanthrope's magic are not the same as our own," Professor Dumbledore explained, "if Mr Black had passed his apparition exam by now, he would well be able to apparate from this room."

I couldn't help but feel slightly attacked by Dumbledore's comment. I'd begun apparition lessons with the rest of the sixth years in October, and I was one of the most able in the year; however, the stress of the exam seemed to get to me and so I hadn't passed in the February exam.

Snape went quiet now, and Dumbledore continued with his plan.

"If you feel comfortable with it, (Y/N), I would like you to spend tomorrow night's full moon in the forest and find this Angeline if you are able."

"You can't be serious Albus!" McGonagall exclaimed, "Black is still just a boy! He's not even seventeen!"

"He's part of The Order Minerva," the headmaster reminded her, "and..."

"I'll do it," I stated, sitting up in my chair.

Both Snape and McGonagall stared at me in surprise. Dumbledore smiled. "Thank you," he nodded in my direction. I simply nodded back. "Professor McGonagall, you will be responsible for giving (Y/N) his potion and escorting him to the edge of the forest before sunset tomorrow evening," Dumbledore ordered, "Severus, you will stay in Hagrid's house tomorrow night, should anything seem off, you are to go aid Mr Black."

Hagrid's hut had been empty since Christmas, and Hermione had been trying to get me to tell her where he had gone. Of course, I couldn't tell her he'd gone to try and secure an alliance with the giants, but I assured her I'd let her know if anything was wrong.

The Last Black (Hermione Granger x Male Reader) Vol.2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ