Author's Note

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This book is currently still a work in progress. I've finished and edited the prologue though so thought I'd upload that first.

I'm really enjoying writing this one, perhaps even more so than the last one.

(Y/N) is a little unhinged in this book, so this is a little bit of a trigger warning for trauma and PTSD. Also he faces challenges associated with anxiety and depression in this book, also perhaps social anxiety. I think it will be interesting to see how he copes with this throughout the course of the story.

This story won't be all doom and gloom though! Hopefully you'll love finding out how (Y/N) gets past what happened to him and learns to find happiness (even in the darkest of times).

I've spent a lot more time developing the storyline so it seems a little more seamless.

Also sorry if any dialogue isn't exactly like it is in the books/films.

Hope you enjoy this!

UPDATE (14/04/21):

Chapter five has been updated a little bit in order to accommodate a future plot-line. 

The Last Black (Hermione Granger x Male Reader) Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now