CHAPTER TEN: Luna Lovegood

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The first morning back had been interesting to say the least. Upon waking up I recollected what the other boys had said about me when they'd returned from the start of year feast. As much as I wanted to set off the dungbombs Fred and George had given me in their robes, I knew it would be a waste. I wasn't even too sure of how dungbombs worked, so I'd probably end up setting them off in my hands on accident and stinking myself. Instead, I called Steve up onto my shoulder and we went to the Great Hall together.

The little black kitten was the best company. I probably looked insane walking towards the Great Hall with her on my shoulder whilst talking. She'd lap at the air with her tongue whenever I'd make a joke, or meow in an agreeing tone whenever I'd make a valid point. Plus, she was incredible at calming me down whenever the knot in my chest tightened. This was happening more regularly now the full moon was just around the corner. Another thing which intensified with the waxing of the moon was my hunger. It scared me how much food it took to satisfy the grumbling in my stomach.

Once my plate was finally filled with bacon and sausages and black pudding, I began to dig in. Meat was the only thing which satisfied this craving. Every so often I'd cut off a little bit of sausage and pass it up to Steve who was eying the food on my plate with greedy eyes. I'd finally finished off everything on my plate and gave Steven a little slither of the last piece of bacon. She scoffed it hungrily and then licked my cheek gratefully. I chuckled at her and wiped the grease off of my face. I had only just stood up to return to the common room when a little woman stormed towards me. The woman wore the most ridiculous pink dress-suit with a hideous little pink cloak covering her fat shoulders. She looked like a frog, but not like the cute ones in Magical Menagerie, but like an ugly one who nobody would ever buy.

"What is your name?" she proceeded to ask me once she had reached me, and the clanging of her pathetic little heels stopped echoing through the almost empty Great Hall – it was far too early for most people to be eating breakfast, there was only myself and a few Ravenclaws present.

"I could ask you the same question," I responded as Steve hissed.

"I hope you have not forgotten my introduction last night," she proceeded.

"I wasn't feeling well, so I went to my dormitory," I explained, "and I would have thought my image on the front of every single prophet front cover in June would answer your question." She took a small step back and looked me up and down with a cold gaze.

"Oh," she let out a high-pitched noise, "well I must admit Mr Black, you do appear very... different now." I rolled my eyes; she was clearly a sycophant for pure-blooded families.

"I showered," I remarked, picking up my satchel and making to leave the Great Hall.

My exit was soon interrupted by the frog lady once more though. "Ahem," her sickly-sweet voice echoed. There was only few people eating their breakfast, but they still starred at me and the plump woman.

"Yes?" I asked, sounding rather fed up.

"Truancy will not be tolerated here at Hogwarts Mr Black," she scolded.

"I was ill," I reminded her bluntly.

"And neither will backchat!" she squeaked angrily. Steve hissed at her again now. "And might I remind you that it is impolite to have animals at the table!"

"Well, I think it's impolite to raise one's voice at an acquaintance," I fired back, matching her formal tone.

"Detention!" she declared loudly, "one week, with me, beginning tomorrow night!" I didn't give her the satisfaction of a reply and headed out of the Great Hall. Instead of turning left to make my way back into the dungeons though, I turned right and made my way into the grounds.

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