green is not a creative color

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"Tommy!" The young goddess kicked the door to her friends house down and smiled when he jumped and turned to her holding a stick.

"What the!- Oh. Hey Drista. What happened to your clothes?"

"What do you mean?" She looked down at her outfit confused before turning back to him.

"Last time I saw you were wearing green like bitch and god bitch."

"Oh! I showed XD something and it took it a little too seriously. It made me change or I wouldn't 'be creative' anymore. Also it's purple now. I think purple suits it." He blinked. Once. Twice. And he turned back around to work.

"You guys are weird. Does god bitch know there's already a purple prick here?" She shrugged.


"Revive me! Technoclones!" The blond rolled his eyes and wrote the spell down before burning it. They waited for a moment. Then his sibling appeared. He smiled and walked forward.

The god looked at its human brother for a moment. Green. It kicked him in the chest making him fall backwards into the obsidian wall.

"🟩 🚫 💭 🌈"

"Fuck you at least I'm not purple!"

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