Bomb-Jaw's Song and Number

183 2 0

Perfect Isn't Easy (It's Me)

As the music start.

Branch: I don't know why she is letting us, doing this!

Poppy: (To her husband) Branch, give this woman a break, she only here, she is not on Vanessa's side. Maybe she wants to be like us again.

Branch: Yeah, well, if we prove she is a good singer, she's in, but if she's bad with these Ear-worm song in our head, she gonna get it.

Poppy: Shh... It's starting now.

"Girl, we've got work to do
Pass me the paint and glue
Perfect isn't easy

When one knows the world is watching
One does what one must
Some minor adjustments darling
Not for my vanity but for humanity

Each little step a pose
See, how the breeding shows
Sometimes, it's too much for even me

When all of the world says yes
Then, who am I to say no?
Don't ask a mutt to strut like a showgirl
No, girl, you need a pro

Not a flea or a flaw, take a peek at that paw
La, la da da
Perfection becomes me, n'est ce pas?

Unrivaled, unruffled I'm beauty unleashed

Jaws drop, hearts stop, so classic and classy
We're not talkin' Lassie!

La, ah, ooh, aroo
Ruff, ruff ruff ruff ruff

Though many covet my bone and bowl
They're barkin' up the wrong tree

You pretty pups all over the city
I have your hearts and you have my pity
Pretty is nice, but still, it's just pretty
Perfect, my dear,
is me!"

As the crowd all boo and hiss at Bomb-Jaw's Hideous song as they throw tomatoes and cupcakes at her just the old days.

Bomb-Jaw: Thank you, thank you so- (Hit by a tomatoe) Hey, don't you like my song? It was a catchy isn't it! Come on-

Barb: That's it, she's going down!

Barnch: I agree. (To his friends, Biggie and Guy Diamond and Legsly) Guys, get her off the stage, now!

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