Dickory's New Talent Song

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Dickory: You know, he's right. I wanted to be, yodeler in the first place. I need to act. Can somebody, help me out here. I need a new talent, cause I quit my life for yodeling too! (As he pointed to Delta's niece Clampers) Hey, how about you! What is your name?

Clampers: Uh... clampers.

Dickory: Clampers, come up here lass. (As Clampers, came up on the stage)  Okay, clampers, now see you sing up high for me okay.

Clampers: Oh, there's one thing little man.

Dickory: What's that?

Clampers: I don't know how to sings.

Dickory: What? But you have to. Everybody sing it, all the time. So let me hear sing, please.

Clampers: No.

Dickory: Please.

Clampers: No.

Dickory: Pretty please.

Clampers: No!

Dickory: All right then, I'll make you sing, Whether you like it or not. (So Dickory Stumps on Clampers hoof, and then she begins to sing out loud like a dog.) Awww, that's better! And how can you expect me to your voice as sumptuous as this?

Let's Make Music Together:

Dickory: (Singing)
"When I hear a dulcet tone like that
It gives me a big thrill
I can't eat a singer
I never could
I never will
Ha ha ha!"
(Spoken to Clampers as he do his music number)
Oh, what do you call that voice, little fella? That a baritone or a tenor?

Clampers: It's uh...

Dickory: Oh I don't care, it's you and me.
"Let's make music together
Let's make sweet harmony
Oh, let's make music together, baby
You take the do I'll take the ray
You better hang on to me

We are birds of a feather
Looking for the right key
Oh, let's make music together, baby
'Cause only music makes a man free

Gonna make a beautiful song, sing along
Gonna let that natural beat
Move your feet
When the music's deep down in you
There's nothing that you can do
But believe, oh believe

There is nothing like singing
And our voices just blend
Oh, let's make music together, baby"

Dickory and Clampers:
"Lift our voices together partner
Let's make music forever, baby
And we'll always be friends"

Dickory: "Always be friends"

Clampers: "Let's make music together"

Dickory and Clampers:
"Let's make sweet harmony
Oh, let's make music together, baby
Let's make sweet harmony
Oh let's make--this is for you Auntie!
Oh, let's make sweet harmony
Oh, let's make sweet harmony
Let's make music together
Let's make sweet harmony
Oh, let's make music together, baby
Let's make sweet harmony"

As they both left the stage, while the audience were confusing, until they cheers and applause. Then King Branch enter the stage.

Branch: (To his people) Ok, that was pretty weird. But anyway, let's get back to the show. And now next on the program, it's (sight) none other, then that guy how help found the tunnel of the troll tree, and even visit my bunker. That great and puffy freak, and...

Cloud Guy: (From Backstage) Just get on with it, all ready!

Branch: Ladies and gentle-trolls, Cloud Guy!

So Branch left the stage, while cloud guy enter in with his wife Janiet.

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