alex's surprise - finley

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"What are they doing in there?", I giggle as I hear excited chattering coming from Alex's office.

"Not sure. They've been in there for a long time.", Karl murmurs; both of us sitting on the top step as we try to investigate.

"What are you two doing?", George raises an eyebrow as he passes by the stairway to find us sitting.

We both glance at each other before pointing towards Alex's office.

George slowly ascends the stairs, sitting a step below us.

"What's he doing?", George whispers this time, trying to hear what is being discussed within his office.

"We literally don't know. We've been trying to figure it out forever!", Karl exaggerates, dramatically leaning onto George.

"What are you idiots doing?", Sapnap crosses his arms as he observes the scene in front of him.

All of us press a finger to our lips, effectively silencing him.

He rolls his eyes, but he silences regardless.

Clay walks by just as Sapnap is sitting down, and we shush him before he even gets a chance to say a word.

He simply shrugs and sits down right next to Sapnap, playfully shoving him.

Sapnap shoves him back, and it soon turns into a full fight.

"Guys, shut up!", Karl whisper-shouts at them.

They settle their little fight, still glaring at one another but with hints of smiles on their faces.

As Alex's office door slowly cracks open, we all begin to scatter.

Oreo bounds up the stairs, allowing me to have an out.

Karl and Clay trip over one another as they both duck into Karl's office.

George almost falls down the stairs as he attempts to run away while Sapnap makes a dive for his own office.

They're not very slick as three different doors slam the second Alex's opens all the way.

"What was that?", Alex asks as Lincoln practically skips out from behind him.

"They're playing some game.", I excuse, not daring to look up at him and focusing on scratching behind Oreo's ears; his tail thumping happily.

Alex sits on the step next to me; his hand gently rubbing up and down Oreo's spine.

"Soooo, what were you guys doing in there?", I ask him carefully, trying not to seem too suspicious.

"It's a secret."

He doesn't say anything more than that, furthering the mystery.

The rest of the day goes by uneventfully, and I eventually realize I should start cooking for the boys.

After a long argument about what I should make, we decide to order pizza anyway.

Linc tugs on Alex's sleeve, but Alex shakes his head at whatever silent question Linc asked him.

I eye Clay, who is sitting across from me, and he sends me a confused look.

Just as George finishes the last piece of pizza, Alex stands up and clears his throat.

"Linc has something he would like to tell you all.", Alex grins.

He pulls out his phone, pointing it at Linc.

Linc looks at Alex nervously.

"You can do it!", Alex grins, pressing a button on his phone.

Linc looks down at his lap before slowly looking back at all of us.

"Gr-gr...", Alex nods at him encouragingly, Linc stuttering a bit over his words.

"Gracias por adoptarme.", Linc's little proud smile at his sentence makes me want to cry of pure happiness.

"Good job!", Alex gives Linc a big hug, lifting him up and spinning.

Linc's giggles echo through the kitchen.

"That was so good, little man!", Sapnap gives Linc a fist bump after Alex sets him down.

"We're so proud of you!", Karl gives him a hug; Linc settling happily in Karl's lap.

"That was so cute, Alex. Thank you.", I press a kiss to his cheek, giggling as I watch his cheeks redden.

"How does she still fluster you after all this time?"

"Shut the fuck up."

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