the boys in the relationship - author

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i want to start by saying that i'm sorry i've been gone so long!! life has been crazy lately, but i'm hoping to update more from now on. 

in whole again, we all got to see how finley fit into the relationship with her beloved boys. here's how i see the boys interacting with finn and the relationship in general.

clay: the bodyguard

Finley and Clay definitely have similar souls. They've definitely shown a close bond throughout the book because they are similar in a lot of ways. They both have a very passionate love for everyone and often think with their heart over their head when problems arise. Clay is extremely protective of all of his partners, but he has a special sense of protectiveness over Finley. A big part of it is because she's the only girl, but another part is because they are so similar. Clay's first instinct in conflict is to protect everyone else, always wanting to make sure they are safe. He's the first to speak up on social media, and he isn't afraid to defend his partners with the same ferocity that he loves them with. Clay greatly appreciates Finley trying her best to balance all of them, though he is a little inclined to want her attention all for himself. He just wants the best for her, and he would do anything to keep her happy and healthy.

george: the listener

George and Finley have a very special emotional relationship. George is a great listener, and he is always the first to comfort Finley in times of crisis. They understand each other mutually, neither of them openly vocal about their feelings or emotions. George might not always know exactly what to say, but he knows what she needs to feel comforted. Finley has a preference to George when she's having a rough day. He never questions it. The times when she plops into his lap or just randomly takes his hand or leans against his chest, he doesn't say anything. Instead of asking what's wrong, he'll wait until Finley wants to say anything or tell him what's wrong, just playing with her hair or rubbing her back. Even if she doesn't want to say anything, he'll just silently comfort her, not forcing her to tell him whatever's bothering her. He is a king with boundaries, so he won't push or force anything. This is reciprocal, George liking comfort from Finley when he's feeling down. They definitely have a special level of emotional bond that is unmatched.

sapnap: the hype man

Sapnap is the guy that Finley can always go to for a compliment or a partner-in-crime whenever she needs one. He's a like an emotional support dog in the best way possible. He always has a prepared list of compliments ready whenever any of them need it, especially Finley. Sapnap knows it must be hard making sure that she spreads her attention equally to each of the boys and how overwhelming it might be to deal with the notoriety and fame from all five of them too; he always makes sure she feels included and as loved as the rest of them do. He can feel a little left out sometimes too, so he wants to make sure Finley doesn't feel left out at all. She doesn't stream or have Internet fame like the rest of them, so she often doesn't get in on all of the jokes or stories they like to talk about. He tries extra hard to make his own inside jokes and memories with her, so she doesn't feel left out.

karl: the domestic one

Karl is definitely like a house husband type. He's always willing to immediately jump in to help Finley with chores, and he definitely has a very close bond with Lincoln. Doing all of the chores for six people can get pretty overwhelming, so Karl is always there to help Finn out. He enjoys having a "laundry party" (playing music and dancing with one another while attempting to do laundry), cooking new recipes for one another, even down to cleaning with one another. Karl has a special talent for making any occasion fun in his own way, so doing chores with him is a blast. Finley appreciates having help once in a while, so Karl is more than willing to help her out and take some of the stress away. Seeing him with Lincoln is one of Finley's favorite things. Karl is a natural with kids, and it definitely shows. He's not afraid to run around with Lincoln or get really into whatever game Linc has created that day. He also is one of the best at getting Linc to sleep and eat whatever meal he's supposed to be eating. Karl is definitely the best partner in the domestic sense of things.

alex: the silent admirer

Alex isn't the most vocal in the relationship, often feeling left out himself, but he always makes sure a second doesn't go by where Finley feels less than she ever deserves to. If things ever get too sad or awkward, he immediately takes it upon himself to lighten the mood with a little joke or comment to make others laugh. He uses humor to deflect the attention from serious situations whether he likes to admit it or not. Alex always wants Finn to be happy, so he is always telling her something funny or reminding her of a funny story when she feels down. However, he knows humor isn't everything. Alex is always quick to be a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen the second he knows Finley needs it. He struggles to find his place in their relationship, but as long as he is always there for her (which he is), he knows he is loved regardless. He is always so grateful for everything she does for him; tidying up his office, helping out with his laundry, bringing him food, he has to consistently remind himself not to take her for granted. Alex is so appreciative of Finley that he always wants her to remember that she is greatly appreciated and loved.

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