Chapter 3

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"Liam?" a voice calls from the other side of the patio at the coffee shop just as I hang up from Shaw. I lift my head up to see it's Wyatt.

"Wyatt, what's up?" I ask, trying to not make it noticeable the pain I'm feeling inside. I'm not ready for the whole family involvement just quite yet. However, at the same time I know sooner or later he will find out.

"Nothing, I'm just grabbing a cup of coffee before heading to the office." He looks at me inquisitively. I know he's trying to gage my facial expression. "Liam, you look like hell. You don't seem like yourself at all. Where's that goofy smile of yours?"

"It's nothing," I lie. "I just didn't get much sleep last night..." I trail off, hoping and praying that I've sufficed Wyatt's questions.

"Maybe," he replies while pulling out the chair opposite of me. "Maybe that's part of it, but I highly doubt that is all of it. What is going on? Is Steffy okay? Is there something wrong with the baby? You look like mentality you aren't all there. What has happened? Talk to me, Liam."

"It's—It's..." I can barely form the words. My hangover isn't doing much in helping me get the words out. "I don't even—even know where to begin. I'm still wrapping my mind around it myself. I never in a million years thought this would happen. I thought—I thought we were happy, you know?"

"So, I am assuming you and Steffy had some kind of fight?"

"I don't even think I could call this fight? I think it's way beyond that," I confess running my hand through my hair, feeling sick in my stomach knowing I will have to relive it all again. "Honestly, I don't know if there is any way that we will be able to come back from this one."

"I—I...I just—I still feel—feel like I'm in a daze and dream."

"Liam, just spit it out already!" Wyatt demands. "What happened and what are you talking about? You are making absolutely no sense."

"It's Steffy and dad....they—they...."

"They what? I know that Steffy has been very vocal about you two reconciling and she's gotten in between you two...has something else happened? Did dad do something else?" Wyatt's eyes grow large in almost realization. "Oh my god, no way, oh my god," he repeats. "Did dad do something to Steffy?"

"Sort of, but it's much worse than that. It's much, much worse than you could ever imagine. I still can't even wrap my head around it." I lick my lips and exhale shakily. I can't even make eye contact with Wyatt. My hands begin to shake and the pain in my heart is again front and center. "Remember that night that Steffy ran out after we had the fight about me kissing Sally?"

"Yes, what about it? Steffy rightfully so was furious and ran out, but she came back and you worked through it. She forgave you for your indiscretion."

"At this point, I wouldn't even call it indiscretion," I mumble as I roll my eyes.

"Well, that's what it was," Wyatt replies. "Steffy came back so that's what's important, right?"

"If only that was the case. Do you know where she went when she stormed out of the house?"

Wyatt shakes his head. "I assume she just went somewhere to think and clear her head. I am sure she had a ton of stuff swirling around in it."

"She went to her grandfather's guest house and you'll never guess who showed up to comfort her," I sarcastically state.

"Dad?" Wyatt says as I watch his facial expression change. I see it in his eyes that he's starting to connect the dots.

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