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TW // gunplay, knife play

Kuroo picked Kenma up and carried him into the room. He lied him down and got between his legs. "You trust me?" Kuroo asked. Kenma nodded, spreading his hole with his fingers. "I know, I know. I'm getting there. Be patient." Kuroo said. "Should I use the bar?" Kuroo asked. Kenma nodded.

Kuroo went in their closet and grabbed the spreader bar. He walked back and attached it onto Kenma's thighs, right above his knees, keeping them open. Kenma whimpered, rubbing his rim. Kuroo leaned over Kenma and grabbed the lube. He put some of it in his hand and rubbed it on his gun, slicking it. "Tell me if it's to much. You should be able to handle it. It's a thin gun." Kuroo said. Kenma nodded.

Kuroo grabbed Kenma's ankle, pushing his legs up. He knew Kenma was nervous. He also knew that Kenma didn't know, that he had taken the bullets out and had it on safety. "Ahh!~ i-its cold!~" Kenma moaned. "Yea? You like the cold metal?" Kuroo asked. Kenma nodded.

"Hey, the artist is- woah! Kinky." Bokuto said. "The tattoo artist is here." Bokuto said. "Alright. Give me a minute." Kuroo said, thrusting the gun in and out of Kenma. "Come on, sweetheart. Cum for me." Kuroo said. Kuroo pushed more of it into Kenma. "Haah!~" Kenma moaned. "Hit your prostate?" Kuroo asked. Kenma nodded. Kuroo pulled his gun out of Kenma and wiped it on his thigh. He touched Kenma's gaping hole, Kenma flinched. He took the spread bar off Kenma, helping him get dressed.

They walked down the stairs. Kenma went to his school bag and grabbed his notebook out of it. Kuroo cocked an eyebrow. Kenma flipped to the page with the design and showed Kuroo. Kuroo nodded. He showed the artist. "I can do that." He said. It was a detailed drawing including a small bit from each of Kuroo's tattoos. It had a lot of roses. It most looked like Kuroo's tattoo, just replacing his things with the things the represented Kenma. Like a cat, a small hint of things that represented gaming, and a small heart. The rest was roses and vines.

"Now, you know this is gonna hurt, yes?" Kuroo asked. Kenma nodded. "Alright, where do you want it?" He asked. Kenma lifted his shirt and showed the brand marks. "Oh shit." He said, looking at Kuroo. "What happened?" He asked. "I.. got kidnapped. They did that." Kenma said. "Alright. You want me to trace over it?" He asked. Kenma nodded. "How old are you?" He asked. "19." Kenma said. "That's a big tattoo. You sure you want it?" He asked. Kenma nodded.

"Alright, you need to lie down somewhere." He said. Kenma looked at Kuroo. "The couch?" Kenma asked. "That'll work." He said. Kenma took his shirt off and lied on the couch. The artist sat on a stool in front of him with the tattoo gun. Once he started, he immediately stopped, because Kenma started squirming. "Sweetheart, you have to stay still." Kuroo said. Kenma nodded. The artist started again, Kenma still squirming.

"I can't do it if your squirming." He said. Kenma nodded. Once he started, Kenma held his breath. He didn't squirm, but whined. The artist ignored it, and just kept going.

Him and Kuroo had spoken over the phone a few hours before it happened. Kuroo told him not to yell and to do what he needed.

"Hey, breath." He said. He kept moving the tattoo gun and wiping away the extra ink. Kenma nodded, trying to breath slowly.

"I'm going out for a bit. I'll be back when your done." Kuroo said. "Ok! Mmh." Kenma hummed in pain.

Kuroo, for the 4th time in less than a week, went back to the pet store. "Your back! Again." She said. "Yes, hello. I wanna get a pet, for myself." Kuroo said. "You want a dog or a cat? Some more fish?" She asked. "I want a squirrel." He said. "W-what?" She asked. "A squirrel." He said. (If you've seen japanese squirrels, their adorable.

"Sir, we don't sell squirrels." She said. "Ok. Do you sell any cool snakes?" He asked. "Yes. We just got in a baby emerald tree boa." She said. "Is it venomous?" Kuroo asked. "No, sir. She's about 6 weeks old, only half a foot long." She said. "How big will she get?" He asked. "We've estimated around 6 foot. She's a very healthy, active snake." She said. "When she gets bigger, can I keep her in just a room?" Kuroo asked. "As long as there are no crack that she can escape, yes of course. The bigger the better." She said. "Size, right now? How big of a tank should she have, now." Kuroo asked. "30 gallon. At least 5 foot tall for the display branches. She likes to coil around branches." She said. "Can I see her?" Kuroo asked. "She's right here." She said. She opened a tank and pulled out a small snake. She was bright green. "Does she bite?" Kuroo asked. "Uhm, yes. But she has fleshy teeth so it doesn't hurt." She said. "How much is she?" Kuroo asked. "2 thousand." She said. Kuroo thought for a second.

Kuroo x Kenma Mafia AU , Alpha-Beta-Omega  AUWhere stories live. Discover now