Chapter twenty-four

Start from the beginning

"I don't even know, can you get up," She complained, her hair was in front of her face.

"You're on me..."

She made an 'o' sound, and rolled straight off.

Neither of us made a move to sit up. We just laid there.

The grass was itchy on my back, and I could sort of feel a bug crawling somewhere on my arm.

Maeko walked over and grabbed my hand, hoisting me up. Then, he hit me round the back of my head.
"Uh, ow, what was that for?"

I failed miserably as I tried to hit him back, but he moved out of the way and lifted Lyssa up, too.

"I felt like it,"

"Of course you did,"

He dragged both Lyssa and I to the tree where Devon was passed out and we both slid down it.

My hangover tomorrow was going to be fucking hell.

I didn't know where he got it, and didn't question it when Maeko flung a blanket over Lyssa and I.

Mother hen.

"I'm soooo fucking tired," I groaned.

"That's what happens when you drink like you have a death wish,"

I was pretty sure I did, in fact, have a death wish.

Something splashed in my lap, and my eyes which I hadn't realised were closed flung open, only to see a water bottle. I looked up at Maeko.

He put his hands on his hips, "Clean you're kidneys."

I picked the bottle up, and Maeko forced me, Devon and Lyssa, to drink a bottle each. And then one more.


It was quieter now, and there were no flashing lights. Only the occasional orange glow of a cars headlights as it went by.

Maeko, Azael, Alyssa, Devon and I, were all walking down the street, plastic water bottles in hand, to Devons house, which was a seven minute walk away from Mia's house.

Azael had joined us later on, and Maeko made him drink water too. We had then all fallen asleep on the tree and Maeko had smacked us awake and told Devon that we were going to his house.

So now, we were, silent and walking to Devons house. The only thing we could hear were out heavy footsteps on the concrete and our exhausted breaths.

Because that's what happens when you come down from your all time high, you fall, but not in the good way.

Alcohol makes you feel so good and energetic for thirty minutes, max, and then it makes you feel ten times as shit as you felt before and one hundred times more tired then you originally were.

Devons arm was around Alyssa's waist, giving off the impression that he was holding her up, when in reality, she was holding him up.

"This is my house," Devon sighed, a tall, very modern—very rich— house appeared from behind a curve of well-kept bushes.

All the houses in that neighbourhood were the same.

We followed Devon down the path, and then up his stairs, then through his front door.

He told us his family wasn't home, and that he was sorry for the mess as he was getting his floors done.

It was pure, smooth concrete on his floor with his white wall paper slightly curled up at the edges near the floor. In some areas, pieces of white, tiled floor had been laid down.

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