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"So... what film are we watching?" Fabian asked, trying to make conversation.

"Um, whatever's on, I guess," I said, uncertainly. I felt Matt's arm drape around my shoulder, pulling me into his side.  Fabian's eyes glared at us, causing my cheeks to turn a rosy pink. 

"Oh, look! Into the Woods is playing!" She gibbered, "Chris Pines is totes adorbs."

"You do realize that he's over a decade older than you?" I pondered.

"So? David Beckham is way older than us, yet many girls our age want to marry him." She countered.

"Whatever," I playfully rolled my eyes, "you guys okay with it?" They both agreed with incoherent words, so I walked up to the ticket booth.

"Uh, four tickets to Into the Woods?" I said politely to the scary lady in front of me.

"There's only two seats left." She replied monotonously. 

"Ambs?" I called my best friend, "There's only two seats left."

"Oh, that's unfortunate," She frowned, "Oh well, sisters before misters. Ooh I know! The boys can watch Fifty Shades of Gray!" She chortled.

"Great Idea." I genuinely smiled, then asked for two tickets for each movie. I handed them their tickets, and waited for the boys' reaction.

"Um, I thought we were watching Into the Woods?" Fabian asked.

"Oh we  are," I said, interlocking arms with Amber, "Enjoy the movie!" we ran off, laughing.

"I can't believe you actually did that." She smiled.

"Me neither, but I'm happy that we can catch up without glares from the boys." I sighed.

"I totally understand," she continued, "Anyways, give me the deets, how did you and Max meet?" 

"Matt," I corrected, "Um..."


"Miss?," I heard a voice behind me, making me raise my tear-stained face, "are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah," I said, voice cracking, "I-I'm just listening to a really sad song." I lied, the real reason was too painfull to utter.

"There's no music playing." He raised his brow.

"Oh, I was, um..." I said trying not to break down, but I failed miserably. I sobbed onto my knees, mascara running down my face.

"I-It's okay Miss, Um, tell me what's wrong?" 

"I-I left all my friends, everyone I love, and I don't know what to do!" I bawled, "and now here I am, using a random stranger as a therapist."

"Oh, I'm sorry, call me Matt." He said politely, reminding me of the sweet, british boy I'd left behind.

"Nina." I tried to smile.

"Shh... It's okay, I don't even like this shirt." He joked, as my tears dribbled onto his gray attire.

~Flashback over~

"So you met your boyfriend whilst crying about your Ex?" She wondered aloud.

"I guess you could say that," I shrugged.

"The movie's about to start," I whispered, turning off my phone.

"I wonder how the boys are doing," Amber chortled.

"I can imagine," I grinned.


After the movie, Amber and I walked out, spotting Fabian and Matt having a stare down. I immediately ran to them, not wanting conflict in such a public area filled with children, and their strict parents.

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