I get a text on my phone so I pick it up to check it. It's Yuna. "Y/n!" She says, worrying me a bit. "What?" I respond quickly.

"Why didn't you tell me you weren't coming today? The professor asked where you were and gave you an unexcused absence! I could've prevented that... Also Jungkook isn't here either..." she replies, though she doesn't know Jungkook is right here next to me. "I'm sorry, i should've texted. I'm dealing with some personal things right now, so I wasn't exactly up to coming in today..." I say, telling the truth.

She takes a moment to articulate a response. "It's fine you don't have to apologize... but I did want to ask..." she writes, taking another second to type. "Jimin asked me to a bonfire this weekend. Are you up for coming? I just don't want to be without you :/" I sigh softly, thinking of a response to her. "Let me think about it, okay?" I say back. "Of course!"

"So..." I say, grabbing Jungkook's attention. "There's a bonfire this weekend?" He stares at me for a split second before relaxing what I'm talking about and nods his head.

"Right, yea. Jimin planned it. All the boys will be there, including me. How did you know about it?"

"He asked Yuna to come, and she asked me to go with her," I reply. "She likes for me to accompany her to these things because she's a little new to parties. I offer to go as well."

"Then you should go! I'll be there, and we can just hang out together and talk a bit. Get your mind off all of this..." he smiles at me and I try to hold my smile back. I feel like I've been doing that a lot recently. Almost too much with him. "Or you can just come to hang out, it doesn't have to be with me," he fixes himself, feeling nervous. "Or it can be with me..." he trails.

I stare at his face, watching as he awaits my answer. He's staring back and it's like he's begging me to say yes. I want to. But I don't know if I should. Should I allow myself to get so close with him again? Is that really the best idea?? "Sure...I don't mind. I'll take Yuna there and we can all hang out." I add that little word 'all' to keep myself sane over it. I can't tell if that disappointed him or not. I don't want to do that either.

"Okay. Cool...I'll let Jimin know," he smiles back, returning to sipping his coffee and looking back at the show. I text back Yuna, letting her know my decision on it. She's elated to know I'll be going. She really liked Jimin and I'm glad about it. He doesn't seem too bad, and if she's with Jimin, I can be with Jungkook.

Is that such a good thing...?

"Are you going to be okay?" Jungkook asks me, dropping me off back at my house. I pick up my things and I nod, not really wanting to respond. "Call me if you need me though, alright? I want you to tell me if something happens, Y/n...please?" He pleads, grabbing my hand that's about to pull the door open. I look at him, watching as he stares back at me with his doe eyes.

"Okay..." I respond, not looking away. He pulls me in and kisses me, and dammit, I should've left when I had the chance. Now I don't want to leave but I have to go. I need to, and he makes me want to stay. I don't know how I feel about that. I don't know how I feel about anything. He breaks away, his nose brushing mine and I want to pull him back. But I can't. "I should go..."

"Yea," he mutters, eyes gazing up into mine while his hand still holds my chin. It's like he doesn't want to let go. I don't want to either but I have to. I glance down at his lips, wanting to kiss him again. "Are you?" He asks.

My Type - Jungkook ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя