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Hermione P.O.V

I was walking through the hallways while it was quiet and sighed. I started walking slower taking in my surroundings that wouldn't be the same for long.  I hear footsteps behind me and turn to meet the one and only Viktor Krum standing there.

"Hi." I say with a small smile.

"Hullo Miss Herm-own-inny" He says with his strong Bulgarian accent trying to say my name right. 

"Hi." I say and there's an awkward silence between us. "Can I help you with something or?" I say turning hoping to head to class before the halls get busy. He goes to say something but then stops himself and shakes his head before leaving. I turn and head to transfiguration when I hear another set of footsteps and turn around and my eyes meet a pair of steel grey orbs. 

"Hey Ced." I say as the older boy catches up to me.

"Hey 'Mione what were you doing talking to Viktor Krum?" He asks casually as we start walking with our books in hand. 

"I don't know he just came and started talking to me." I laugh at how weird he acted when I seen him. "Why are you jealous?" I say with a slight smirk playing on my lips. 

He scoffs. "Me jealous? What do I have to be jealous of the guy's a douchebag." I laugh.

"Ok if you say so." I say and we walk in a comfortable silence.

"So what lesson do you have?" Cedric asks breaking the silence.

"I have transfiguration what about you?" I say looking up at him as he's taller than me. He chuckles.

"They weren't kidding when they said we'd be spending a lot of lessons together this year." I let out a small laugh. I can feel Cedric's eyes on me so I turn to face him to see him smiling at me.

"What?" I say and he looks away with a slight blush.

"It's nothing." He looks back at me and then straight ahead and I see his face turn into a frown.

"What's wrong?" I ask and look in his direction to find Pansy and Astoria picking on some first years and sigh. I walk over to them Cedric tries to stop me but it doesn't work. Instead he just comes with me.

"Parkinson...Greengrass I see you couldn't find someone your own size to pick on so you chose first years." I say rolling my eyes. The two girls stop what they're doing and look at me. The first years hide behind me.

"OMG Tori mudblood Granger has came to spoil our fun again." I scoff.

"Oh I'm dreadfully sorry." I say sarcasm evident in my voice. Cedric just chuckles.

"What are you laughing at?" Astoria says looking at Cedric.

"What? That was funny. If something is funny I laugh." He says with a smile on his face.

"Yeah if something is funny he laughs." I say smirking at her.

"Shut up." she says her face turning red in anger. Pansy swings for me but I grab her hand blocking the punch.

"Nice try but you're going to have to do better than that." I say pushing her hand away. 

"I'll get you for this mudblood." She sneers at me.

"Yeah that's great just let me know when you've actually gained some common sense and then maybe we might be able to discuss things you know what discuss means don't you?" The first years laugh and so does Cedric. Pansy's face turns red of anger now and she doesn't answer.

"Discuss means when two or more people talk to each other which is obviously hard for you since the only word you ever use to insult me is mudblood and that term is kind of old at this point." The first years laugh again and Cedric whispers in my ear.

"We should get to class." I nod and signal to the first years to go. They all say a quick thanks before running off. I turn to Pansy and Astoria.

"Ciao." I say and smile at the two of them before me and Cedric head to transfiguration.

Whilst walking to transfiguration me and Cedric were laughing about what had just happened.

"That was badass of you 'Mione." He says with a grin.

"Thanks it felt good to finally give them a taste of their own medicine." Cedric nods. We reach transfiguration to find that we are late.

"Shit." I mumble under my breath but Cedric hears and laughs.

"Hermione Granger swearing. I never thought I'd see the day." He laughs. 

"Oh shut up." I say rolling my eyes but I couldn't stop the smile forming on my lips.

We open the door and walk in and Professor McGonagall looks at us.

"Why are the two of you late?" She says raising a brow and tapping her foot.

"Um..." I say and look at Cedric.

"We got carried away studying in the library." I immediately catch on and nod.

"Yes we're sorry professor." I say. Her face softens and she smiles slightly.

"Unfortunately I'm going to have to take five points from each of you for being late and you'll both have detention with Professor Snape tomorrow at 8pm." We both nod and sit down and start taking notes and catching up with everyone else.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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