Triwizard Tournament

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Third Person P.O.V

Cedric, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Fred , George, Lee, Justin (One of Cedric's friends) , Mace (another one of Cedric's friends) and Hermione were all sat at the Gryffindor table talking to one another when Dumbledore started to speak. The hall fell silent. 

"Now that we're all settled in and sorted. I'd like to make an announcement." We hear the Great Hall's door creak open and turn to see Filch. Dumbledore continues talking.

 "This castle is not only going to be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well."  Filch is jogging towards Dumbledore and he's doing high knees. He passes our table. Dumbledore is still talking. 

"Hogwarts has been chosen...." Filch is now standing at the front whispering something to Dumbledore. Dumbledore mumbles something back and the crazy caretaker starts jogging down the hall again. 

"So Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The Triwizard Tournament." The entire hall falls into low murmurs.

"And for those of you that doesn't know, The Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools  for a series of magical contests. From each school a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear if chosen you stand alone and trust me when I say these contests are not for the feigned hearted. But more of that later." 

There's a moment silence. 

"And now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy of magic." The door opens and there is a loud whistle. 

"And their headmistress Madame Maxine." A group of really pretty girls walk in wearing lilac dresses. All the boys are staring as the girls walk by. Hermione and Ginny look at each other feeling slightly insecure. 

Hermione P.O.V

Me and Ginny look up to see all the boys gaping at the Beauxbatons girls.I glance over at Cedric to see him admiring the Beauxbatons girls with his friends and for some weird reason I feel jealous.  

"Bloody Hell." I hear Ron say.

 The girls gracefully run down towards the front of the Great Hall and release blue little butterflies from their hands.

Madame Maxine passes our table and I see Seamus tap Ron's arm and nods his head towards her. 

"Blimey that is one big woman." I keep my focus on the girls at the front doing all sorts of twirls and gymnastics.  The girls bow and the hall erupts into clapping. Me and Ginny clap awkwardly with the guys. Professor Dumbledore  kisses Madame Maxine's hand and then stands at the front of the hall signaling for everyone to quiet down. The hall falls silent again. 

"And now our friends from the north please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master Igor Karkaroff."

Everyone turns to the entrance of the Great Hall and see a lot of muscular students banging their canes off of the floor. When they hit the floor again there are sparks Ginny and I smiled at each other excitedly. We turn back to see one of the students sprinting down the hall and does a one handed round off.  I look at the Entrance again to see the one and only Viktor Krum walk in. 

When we were at the world cup Ron wouldn't shut up about how great he was and now that he's at Hogwarts he's probably going to become a total fan boy. I roll my eyes at the thought.

"Blimey it's him. Viktor Krum." I hear Ron say in an awed voice. 

At the front of the hall one of the students is blowing fire which turns into what looks to be a phoenix. Dumbledore raises his arms in the air as a greeting. 

"Albus." Professor Igor Karkaroff says in a strong Bulgarian accent before the two professors hug. 

After that the two schools are told to sit with Slytherin (Durmstrang) and Ravenclaw (Beauxbatons). 

The food appears on the table and everyone starts to dig in. Everyone but me. I open my book and read as I'm not hungry.

Cedric P.O.V

When the Beauxbatons girls walked in I was shocked to see how beautiful they were. I noticed all of the boys in the school were checking them out. I glanced over at Hermione and Ginny to see them looking kind of uncomfortable.

"Bloody Hell." I hear Ron say.

The girls gracefully run down towards the front of the Great Hall and release blue little butterflies from their hands.

Madame Maxine passes our table and I see Seamus tap Ron's arm and nods his head towards her.

"Blimey that is one big woman." I keep my focus on the girls at the front doing all sorts of twirls and gymnastics. The girls bow and the hall erupts into clapping. I see Hermione and Ginny clap awkwardly. Professor Dumbledore kisses Madame Maxine's hand and then stands at the front of the hall signaling for everyone to quiet down. The hall falls silent again. 

"And now our friends from the north please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master Igor Karkaroff."

Everyone turns to the entrance of the Great Hall and see a lot of muscular students banging their canes off of the floor. When they hit the floor again there are sparks Ginny and Hermione smiled at each other excitedly which made me feel kind of jealous? We turn back to see one of the students sprinting down the hall and does a one handed round off. I look at the Entrance again to see the one and only Viktor Krum walk in.

When we were at the world cup Ron wouldn't shut up about how great he was and now that he's at Hogwarts he's probably going to become a total fan boy. 

"Blimey it's him. Viktor Krum." I hear Ron say in an awed voice.

At the front of the hall one of the students is blowing fire which turns into what looks to be a phoenix. Dumbledore raises his arms in the air as a greeting.

"Albus." Professor Igor Karkaroff says in a strong Bulgarian accent before the two professors hug.

After that the two schools are told to sit with Slytherin (Durmstrang) and Ravenclaw (Beauxbatons).

The food appears on the table and everyone starts to dig in. Everyone but Hermione. She opens her book and reads. I guess she's just not hungry and tuck into my meal.


After everyone has finished their meals everyone started heading to their common rooms probably to get a goodnights sleep. I don't feel tired and decide to approach Hermione.

"Hello Miss Granger. Fancy taking a walk around the corridors with me?" I ask bowing my hand to her her.

"I would love too." She laughed and told her friends not to wait up for her. She took my hand and we left the Great Hall.

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