Late night strolls

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Hermione P.O.V

Me and Cedric strolled through the empty corridors that were light dimly. We were walking with our arms linked. Me and Cedric had become quite close this year and ever since he saved my life I have kind of caught feelings for him. I just hope he feels something there too otherwise I would look like an idiot.

Cedric breaks the silence.

"So how are you feeling about the whole Triwizard Tournament thing?" I look up at him.

"I don't know how to feel about it. It's one of the most dangerous tournaments. One of the first Tournament was held in 1294. The Tournament has been renowned for being extremely dangerous as champions have died while competing, and so it was discontinued after 1792 ."

"How would you feel if I told you I was thinking about entering?" I stop walking and look at him.

"What are you mad that tournament is incredibly dangerous. You could die and I really don't want to lose you Ced." I say . He looks down.

"Sorry I shouldn't have brought it up." We continue walking. I hear my stomach growl and me and Cedric burst out laughing.

"Come on let's stop by the kitchens and get you something to eat." He says. We arrive at the kitchen. Dobby walks up to us.

"Hello Master Diggory and Mistress Granger. How can Dobby be of service to you both?" 

"Can you master up a dish for my good friend Hermione here. " Cedric says whilst slinging his arm around my shoulder.

There was that word. Friend. If only he knew how I felt. Dobby nodded his head and started cooking. We sat down at the table and started talking. Once Dobby comes back he sets a plate with potatoes, chicken, carrots and gravy. I tell him thank you and then he nods his head before going back to cleaning dishes.

I start eating my meal when Cedric steals one of my potatoes.

"Hey." I laugh and playfully slap his hand.

"What?" He smiles innocently and pokes his fork into a piece of chicken before putting it into his mouth. I  laugh and move my plate towards him. He smiles his most charming smile and we continue eating until the plate has nothing left on it. Dobby comes by and takes the plate and adds it to the pile of dirty dishes.

"So tell me something about yourself Hermione Granger." Cedric looks at me.

"What would you like to know?" I ask shrugging.

"Anything. Everything." He leans closer to me generally interested.

"My favorite color is yellow because it represents warmth, joy, positivity and I also like red because it represents adventure, strength, passion and love ." We make eye contact for a moment. 

"My star sign is a Virgo. My dream is to one day work for the ministry. I hope to find someone who will stay by my side and love me no matter what happens.  I want to travel the world and make as many memories as possible. I love animals. I love reading because it helps me relax and escape the reality of a stressful everyday life. And that's all I can think of for now." He smiles at me.


"Your turn." I say and he looks deep in thought. 

" My favorite color is blue because it represents trust, loyalty and security. My star sign is a Libra. I hope to work for the Ministry when I leave school. I hope that I'll find the love of my life and get married, have a whole bunch of kids and make every moment worth more than gold." He looks at me and I smile.

"I want to travel. And yeah that is about it."

"Wow. I really don't know what to say. I thought that the Hogwarts most popular Hufflepuff was going to say something else."

"Yeah well there's more to me than what meets the eye and what people say about me."

Cedric stands up and bows in front of me offering me his hand.

"Care to dance M'lady." I laugh.

"But there's no music." I say and take his hand and stand up.

"We don't need music to dance." He puts his hands on my waist and I put my arms around his neck with my fingers interlocking. We start swaying slowly looking deep into each other's eyes. He smiles and spins me. I laugh. Being here with Cedric in the kitchens dancing with no music was rather fun. He spins me again but this time he brings my body closer to his. Our eyes are locked on each other. He rests his forehead on mine. There's only a small space between us and I can feel his breath on my face. 

The moment is interrupting to the sound of footsteps approaching the kitchens. We pull apart and look at each other. 

"We should hurry before we get caught." I say and Cedric sighs.

"You're right I know a way we can take quick come." He grabs my hand and the second his hand holding mine I feel electricity go through my body.  We run out of the kitchens and head to the Gryffindor common room.

We arrive at the portrait of the fat lady who narrowed her eyes at Cedric.

"What are you two doing out at this time?" 

"Just decided to go on a stroll." Cedric smiled politely at her.

"Very well." She opens the door and I turn to Cedric and give him a hug.

"Goodnight Ced." He hugs me back and after a moment I pull away.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He asks hopefully.

"Definitely." I smile at him and he returns it.

"Good." He turns and starts walking to the Hufflepuff common room. I close the common room door and head up to the girls dormitories and change into my PJ's, brush my teeth. I then lie on my bed letting a happy sigh escape me.  Before I know it I fall asleep with a certain Hufflepuff stuck in my head.

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