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Cedric P.O.V

After Hermione went to the hospital wing after care for magical creatures me, Harry and Ron have been sat in the waiting area. Ginny walks into the waiting area.

"How is she?" Ginny looks at all of us her face concerned.

"We don't know we haven't heard anything since we got here." Ginny sighs and takes a seat next to Harry. Harry grabs a hold of her hand and squeezes it reassuringly.


Hermione P.O.V

Madam Promfrey had healed my broken arm but said it would still hurt slightly. I nod and walk out of the doors and notice Harry, Ginny, Ron and Cedric. They all stand up.

"OMG 'Mione how are you?" She goes to hug me but I dodge it. She frowns.

"I'm fine." I walk away from the group not really wanting to talk to them.  I hear them run after me.

"Mione please talk to us we're your friends." I roll my eyes and turn around to face them. They all stop walking.

"If you are all my friends where were you all when I got jumped by Parkinson and the two Greengrass's?" They stay silent. "Where were you when I got told to die and that maybe if I tried harder on my appearance then people might actually like me. You guys only showed up after."

They all looked down at the floor.

"You know maybe Pansy and the others are right maybe none of you actually care for me or maybe I'm just to blind to see what was right in front of me the entire time." I say with tears rolling down my face. Ginny goes to say something when she notices a the burn on my right wrist.

"What is that?" She points to my wrist and looks at me concerned. The others look up and notice it too.

"What's it to you guys it's not like any of you actually care." With that I left.

Since my fight with the others I decided to sit with Fred, George and Lee in the Great Hall. I look at the other end of the table and notice that Cedric and his friends are sat with Harry, Ron and Ginny.

"Everything alright Granger?" I hear George ask noticing that I'm not sat in my usual place next to Ginny. I look at him.

"Yeah. I just think maybe I was really harsh on them." I look back at the group at the other end of the table.

"Maybe you should try and make it up with all of them." I sigh knowing that he's right. What I said in the corridor, I only said it because I was hurt and angry but now I realize it was harsh and I had to make it right.

"I'll talk to them tomorrow." 

They all nodded and continued with their meal.


Lunch had just ended and I decided to apologize to my friends so that I wouldn't have to wait until tomorrow. I headed over to them in the corridor. I tap Harry on the shoulder and they all turn around to see me.

"Hey can I talk to you guys?" They all nodded.

"Look I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what I said yesterday. I was angry that Cedric told you guys about what happened with the Slytherins but I was also hurt that none of you were there when I needed you to be. So I'm sorry."

They all look at each other and don't say anything. I sigh and walk away. I really ruined my friendship with all of them. I checked what lessons I had today. I have potions and transfiguration as it was just lunch time. I head towards the dungeons and notice that all my friends are in the class and they are all waiting for me. I decide to sit on the table furthest away from them.

"Hermione come sit with us." Harry says before any more of the class starts coming in. I nod and hesitantly move and sit in my seat next to Ron. I smile at them weakly. 

"So..." Cedric starts.

"So does this mean we're good?" I ask looking at Cedric nervously.

"Yeah we're good." He smiles which causes me to smile. We maintain eye contact for a few seconds until the entire class comes in and taking their seats.

"Have you guys heard that Dumbledore has an announcement tonight at the feast." Harry says grabbing his parchment and quill.

"Really? I wonder what it's about." Harry just shrugs. Professor Snape walks in.

"Today we will be doing about Felix Felicis and veritaserum." He sneered at the class. 

"Get your potions books and learn everything you need to know about the potions."

I grab my potions book out of my bag and start to write notes on my parchment. 


After about an hour of scribbling notes I put the notes I had made in my potions book and closed it. I put my quill back into it's case and put them into my bag. The others start to do the same. 

I leave potions with Cedric. I was laughing at something he said.

"It's true and after I had recovered from running into a tree my mum insisted that I wear bubble wrap to keep me protected from my clumsiness." I laugh harder. 

"I could imagine you wearing bubble wrap and it's actually a funny." I laugh again.

"Alright. Alright it's not that funny." He says with a slight frown. 

"Oh it is Ced." I boop his nose and he laughs and we continue walking to transfiguration. 

When we arrived to transfiguration we sat down in the middle row and the second seat from the front. We are talking and taking notes when suddenly Ron and Harry run in late thinking that McGonagall wasn't here yet.

"Phew. Could you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if she were here." Ron said and Harry nodded beside him.

Me and Cedric were laughing as McGonagall leaped off her desk (in her cat form) and transformed. Harry and Ron looked horrified. 

"Why are you two gentlemen late?" McGonagall asked brows furrowed.

"We had to speak with Hagrid about something."

"Ok." She looks at them suspiciously and then walks back to her desk. Me and Cedric were trying to hold in our laughter. Ron and Harry sit in front of us and start taking notes.

Me and Cedric spend the rest of the lesson taking notes and stealing glances at each other. When I feel his eyes on me I can't help but feel my cheeks heat up. He looks away and I glance at him for a moment realizing how charming, kind, funny, sweet and caring he is. OMG did I really just say that? I shake the thought from my head and resume taking notes for the remainder of the lesson. 

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