Chapter 4- Take me Home!

Start from the beginning

Harry opened her side of the door and she was free but she had to look for her bag now, he had seen everything so he got out of the car to help her, getting wet himself. Her bag had opened with the impact to the floor and they had to search into the puddle for her things, only her keys and a mirror had gone out though, it didn't take much time but it was raining tigers and they were dripping by now, Harry's hair was no longer curly and styled but stuck to his face and dripping and so was hers. As soon as they found everything they ran to the door of her block, they looked at each other for a second and for no reason whatsoever they brust out laughing, for once no one called her stupid or an idiot for being clumsy or doing something wrong, it felt nice and she was very happy about it, soon she managed to open the door and he was ready to sprint back to his car, but she yanked him inside with her.

'Such a gentleman' she thought, 'Almost every man I know would take advantage of this moment and not just leave'.

"Let's get you dry, you're not leaving like this" she said and he just stared at her, "It's a small cloud, it'll die down in a minute you can go out when it's over, I'll get you dry first or will catch a cold, I'm not keeping you hostage don't worry" she said as she showed him to the lift.

"If you take care of me, you can keep me" he said, wich made her laugh, oh how he loved that, he loved making her laugh already.

"Don't think your fans would like that" she said.

"Ehh, they'll understand" she laughed again, she was doing a lot of that today.

They went up to her appartement and soon Naya had changed into some clean and dry clothes and Harry had stripped off his clothes that had been clinging to him and was now in his boxers with a towel in his hand, drying his hair. She craned up the heat so that he would stay warm and after that she put his clothes into the drier.

"They'll be done soon, want some tea in the meantime?" she asked him when she was back in the living room, it was an open plan so there was the living room and the kitchen in one big open room.

"I would love some" he said.

"Switch on the T.V if you like" she told him, and he sat down on the coach and did so.

A thought popped into his mind then and it kind of bothered him a little, "Naya, what if Toby came in right now?" he said, he wasn't afraid of taking him or of breaking their friendship, he didn't like the guy at all, if it had all to do with him being with Naya he wasn't sure but he didn't like scumbags like him anyway, he was just worried for her, he didn't want to get her into trouble, for all he knew, she loved the guy and there was nothing he could do, if it meant she was happy he din't want to break that, because him and Naya's newly found friendship, that he truly cared about.

"That would be really hard to explain" she chuckled lightly, she came back to him with two cups of steaming hot water and put a tea bag in them, serving him milk, sweeteners and sugar. "But he won't come here, not right now for sure, when he's out and sleeping at Dan's I usually don't hear from him for three days straight" she was still smiling, yet he could tell it was a sad smile and he doubted why, was she sad beacuse she wanted to see him more, or was she just sad about the situation?

"How can he stay away from you for three days?" he blurted out, he knew this could sound like he was saying that he didn't want to be away from her, but he still didn't regret saying it.

"Ehh, it's not like we have to see each other all the time right" she said as she watched her teabag swim into her cup.

"You don't have to, but if you two were inlove I would think you would want to and need to" he said cleverely. She knew he was right but she didn't want to talk about it, and most of all she didn't feel like talking about Toby at all, not right now anyway she wanted to have a nice chat with Harry not a sad one, so she just shrugged. Althought the thought that Toby had become a sad subject to her that she didn't want to talk about, did nag at her a little, surely a relationship wasn't like that? No matter how long or serious. Was it?

By the time they drank the tea, his clothes were ready and she fetched them for him.

"Warm and toasty" he smiled, he got dressed and then looked at her, "Who would've told me that I would see a girl in the crowd and I would be in my boxers at her place that same night" he joked, he hadn't known her for much but he knew he could make the joke as if he had known her for more than just a few hours. The situation was exactly like he had said it but it was strange that it was not at all what what it sounded or better, what people would think if they heard it. She actually laughed at the situation.

"That's funny, and who would ever believe you just had tea if you told them that little story" she said as she helped him with his blazer.

"I can just imagine me telling this to Louis, I would be like yeah, I took her home stripped down since we were both wet and we had some tea, his eyes would bulge out and he would be like, 'Yeah you had some...but not tea' and then he would yell and shout until I gave him details and if I would see you again" he said with another smile, which made her laugh again.

He looked at himself at a small mirror at the entrance of her kitchen, his hair had dried down and since it had been washed with rain water, his luscious curls weren't so luscious anymore.

"Hey, this has been great and I can't thank you enough for drying my clothes, I really have to got though" he said as he turned around and walked towards her, he was afraid if he stayed things that would be in Louis' head would happen and he knew he couldn't.

"Nonesense, you were the gentleman, taking me home and all and especially not expecting anything in return" she said, something popped into her head then and she looked down and blurted, "Not even my boyfriend does that soemtimes" she mumbled it, but Harry heard, she had her arms around ehr body, it wasn't cold but it was as if she was shivering anyway. He couldn't help it, he moved towards her and hugged her tight, to hell with Toby if he came in now, he didn't give a damn at the moment, she needed comfort and he was there.

"Everything is going to be okay, you'll see" he mumbled into her hair.

She slid her arms down and slid them around him instead, hugging him back, "I know" she muttered, but she didn't really believe, no she didn't actually know.

They broke apart and he thanked her again, the rain had stopped outside and so she walked him to the door and after giving her another small hug he went to his car and as he got in he stopped she was now at the window and they could see each other, so he waved at her once more as she looked at him with that small grin it was not all he wanted to do, but as she waved back, he just drove off.

She closed the window and as she looked around her appartement, the smell of Harry still lingering on the couch as she sat down near were he had been, she noticed that she had never felt so alone, or never had the appartement felt so empty after somebody left her, not even when Toby would leave.

She then decided to clean up and go to bed, so she got up and took the cups from the coffee table so that she could wash them up real quick, but something fell from under one of them, she put the cups back down and her brows furrowed as she picked the piece of paper that had fallen, up, it was a note with a Phone number, she guessed. She read and it said, 'For whenever you need a cab driver you know', and then there was his mobile number indeed. Obviously Harry had left it there when she wasn't looking, she was just a shy boy after all wasn't he. It made her smile, grin actually. She took her cell phone out and punched his number in, she would call him, or text him or whatever, she just knew she would, she also kind of wanted to see all of the group again.

A new friendship?


(Author): Haven't updated in a while, I try to update at least one of my stories everyday, and when they're done I have twp others coming so stay tuned, :p

Hope you liked this chapter and feedback is really appreciated, please don't be silent readers I'm never silent on your stories soo, oh and if you have any request, don't hesitate I'll check your stories, vote comment whatever you wish, or fan...anywayzz cyazz you people.xxxxxx

P.S Enjoy the pik, did it coz I love all of you xxx

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