After that you decided to skip the rest of the day and treat yourself with something for winning against him and for the headshot.

The next day and for almost two months he wasn't at school, but that didn't bother you.

One day you were walking just to relax, you were at the park when you saw Jotaro, it seemed that he was fighting someone.

You got a bit closer and looked at them, oh cool it was a stand fight.

"didn't know he had a stand" you said as you sipped your drink.

After a while the stand user got away, Jotaro stood there while panting

"well that was lame" you said and he looked at you.

"shut it woman" he said, you rolled your eyes and stood there.

"sooooo.... I thought you died, kinda disappointed that you didn't" you said as you sipped on your drink.

"I still haven't beaten you up for that day in P.E class" he said as he got closer.

"maybe some other day we can fight, but with our stands... Yeah I saw you are a stand user as well" you said with a smirk, he glared at you and scoffed.

Suddenly a person in black came out from the bushes and hit the two of you with their stand and left, you tried to run after them but you felt dizzy.

In a blink of an eye your perspective was changed, you looked around and saw your body was still were it was before, you looked at you hands and noticed that it was different, bigger, rougher, you looked at your clothes.... Wait a minute.

"what the fuck!!?!???!" you heard your voice, you looked over and saw that whoever was in your body that they were kinda freaked out.

"we changed bodies!!!" they said, it then hit you, YOU CHANGED BODIES WITH JOTARO!?!?!!!????!??

"sheeesh, that's not good" you said, you looked at him looking confused down at your boobs.

"don't look at them!" you yelled.

"don't yell at me bitch!!!" he said, you looked around and saw people looking at the two of you weirdly, you grabbed Jotaro and dragged him somewhere else.

"i don't like people staring at me" you said and soon stopped in an alley.

"I'll need to contact the old man" he said.

".... I gotta explain this to my parents" you said and he looked at you.

"they're both stand users so they'll understand..... But they won't like the fact that a weird ass boy got in my body" you said and he glared at you.

"shut up shorty" he said.

"hey!! I'm not short anymore, you are!!" you said and he growled.

"let's go and explain this to them, they might help" you said as you started dragging him again.

When you got home your mom opened the door, she was shocked to see you with a boy.... Wait until she finds out!!

"I see you brought a friend, come in" she said.

"there needs to be some explaining, I'm not (y/n), I'm Jotaro, an enemy stand user attacked and moved us to each other's bodies" Jotaro said and you nodded.

"oh... I'll go and get your father" she said and she left, after a while she came back with your dad.

"did it have to be a boy that changed bodies with her? Ok, we'll figure everything out" he said.

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