Him!? A Father!???!

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Throughout your childhood you were a quiet child, you didn't have many friends and you weren't that social.

It was one day that you were gonna remember forever.

You were sitting in class, you were in kindergarten, you were playing and stuff when a boy approached you.

"hey, why are you alone?" he asked you, you looked up at him.

"I just have no friends.... But it's not like I care" you said as you continued playing.

"what about we become friends!?!?" he asked.

".... OK" you said with a little smile.

Since that day you and Jotaro are friends, the two of you were there for each other and you were inseparable.

While growing up you became even closer, you could always help each other with math or other subjects.

When the two of you started high school that's when stuff got strange and bad.

You had boys confessing to you and giving you gifts but you kindly declined, that didn't stop them though.

In jotaro's case the girls could swarm around him like bees and squeal his name and tell him how handsome he was, at first he could kindly tell them to leave but they didn't so he yelled at them.... They still didn't leave him alone.

The second year of you being in high school you developed feelings for Jotaro, you were so sure that if you told him you were gonna get rejected and then the friendship would be over, so you never told him.

Until the middle of the second year, it was too much for you and you felt like taking the risk, so you did.

"hey Jojo? I need to tell you something" you said and he looked at you.

"what is it?" he asked.

"I.... I don't know how to exactly say this or how you'll react but.... Fuck it I'll take the risk, Jojo I like you!" you said as you looked at him in the eyes, at first he was shocked but then he softly smiled.

"I like you too" he said as he grabbed your hand, you exhaled the breath you didn't realize that you were holding.

"that's a big relief" you said and he pulled you closer and hugged you.

"it could be really embarrassing if you rejected me while I was so confident" you said and he chuckled.

The two of you immediately started dating, it began with hand holding, then little kisses on the cheek and then the first kiss on the mouth, the two of you could always cuddle at your place since you lived alone.

The reason why you lived alone it was because you didn't know your father and your mother had recently died and you didn't have any other relatives to stay with.

At the final year of high school you and Jotaro decided to take your relationship to the next level.

It started as a kiss and then little by little both your clothes were off, you had a heated make out session on your bed and then the thing happened.

When it was over the two of you fell asleep in each other's arms and the next day you two went to school like nothing happened.

One day you felt really sick, you waited for a couple of weeks but still nothing, and that caused you a bit of anxiety, so you went to the doctor.

The doctor there run some test and when he got the results he called you over.

"you don't have an illness or something but.... You are pregnant" he said and you looked him shocked.

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