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Damon O'Conner pulls up to the Toretto garage, having just left Harry's auto shop.
"Hello?" Damon asks as he walks inside, looking around at all of the tools.
"Hi!" Mia says with a welcoming smile as she walks out of the office. "What can I help you with?"
"I have some parts that I need changed on my car," Damon tells her with a sweet smile as he tries not to get caught checking her out.
"If you don't mind waiting my brother should be back soon and he can help you out," Mia explains as she continues to smile at Damon.
"I'm back Mia," Dom says as he slightly glares at Damon. "What can I do for you?"
"I have a few parts that I need changed on my car. Harry told me that this would be the best place to go. I'd do it myself but I don't have all of the tools," Damon explains to him with a shrug.
"You know cars?" Dom asks as he sizes Damon up.
"A little," Damon answers him with a nod. "Do you think you would be able to let me change those parts?"
"Which car is yours?" Dom asks him as they walk out of the garage.

"The Camaro," Damon says with a smirk causing Dom to look between the car and him confused

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"The Camaro," Damon says with a smirk causing Dom to look between the car and him confused.
"Really?" Dom asks him shocked.
"Nothing beats American Muscle," Damon answers as he crosses his arms over his chest. Damon knew that if his brother was there, he would be rolling his eyes.
"You race?" Dom asks as he walks around the car.
"Occasionally," Damon answers as he sits on the hood. "You know of any races around here?"
"Yeah but nobody's beat me," Dom tells him with a smirk. "You new to the area? Got a job?"
"Just moved here two days ago. So, no job yet," Damon answers as he wonders what Dom is getting at.
"Where you from?" Dom asks him as Mia walks outside.
"Arizona," Damon answers him as he glances at Mia.
"I'll tell you what Mr. Arizona, if you can fix your car with the tools in that garage then you can have a job here," Dom explains causing Damon to smile.
"That easy?" Damon asks him causing Dom to nod. "You got yourself a deal..." Damon realizes that he doesn't know his name.
"Dominic Toretto," Dom finishes for him with a smile. "You can call me, Dom."
"Damon O'Conner," Damon says as he shakes his hand before he starts walking towards the garage.
"He owns you now," Mia says with a smirk as she walks past Damon.

A few days later, Damon became an official part of the Toretto crew when he almost beat Dom in a race.


The phone rings in the office of the garage causing Dom to answer it as he recognizes the number. "Just packed up a real money load, and it's coming your way. Look for "Rodgers" on the truck's side. Don't forget my share of the deal," The guy says causing a smirk to come to Dom's face. He tells the team before they head out to get their Honda Civics. They quickly find the semi truck they are looking for. Letty Ortiz quickly pulls in front of the truck as Dom and Leon get on either side of it. Trixie Toretto stands through the sunroof of Letty's car before she shoots out the glass to the truck. Letty speeds up before Dom pulls in behind her and Vince stands through his sunroof. Letty drops back to where Dom was as Vince jumps onto the truck before driving the truck down a road where there are construction signs and cones. Leon pulls back behind the truck as it becomes a one lane and Letty slides underneath the truck until the lane opens up again. They deliver the truck before getting paid.

The next morning after everyone got up, they decided to join Mia, Trixie, and Dom at the Toretto store. Each member of the team took their own car before pulling up in front of the store.
"Talk to me, Jesse. This ain't working, brother," Vince says as soon as he is out of his car. They all gather around the hood of his car with Letty, Damon, and Leon on one side with Jesse and Vince on the other side.
"It's your fuel map. It's got a nasty hole. That's why you're unloading in third," Jesse explains as he looks under the hood.
"I told you it was third," Leon says as he nudges Vince, who sends him a glare.
"I'll lengthen the injector pulse a millisecond. Just tune the NOS timer, you'll run nines," Jesse says before Vince grabs his head to face it towards a bright red truck.
"What's up with this fool? Is he sandwich-crazy?" Vince questions as they all look inside to see a blonde man talking to Mia and Trixie.
"No. He ain't here for the food, dog," Leon says causing Damon to roll his eyes.
"Chill out. He's slinging parts for Harry, man," Letty defends as she lightly slaps Leon.
"I know what he's slinging," Vince says before they start walking towards the diner.
"He's trying to get in Mia's or Trixie's pants, dog," Leon says as he continues to instigate.

"What's up, guys?" Mia says as the team walks inside the store before she smiles as she sees Damon. Jesse and Leon head over to the sunglasses rack as Vince sits down beside the man at the counter.
"How you doing, Mia?" Damon says as he leans on the counter while Mia continues to smile at him.
"He's beautiful," Jesse says as he messes with a pair of sunglasses.
"I like his haircut," Leon says as he grabs a bag of chips.
"Vince!" Trixie calls causing Damon to look over and find Vince glaring at the blonde. Damon is completely shocked when he realizes that the blonde is his older brother, Brian O'Conner.
"What?" Vince asks as he looks at Trixie and Mia.
"Can we get you anything?" Mia asks him back.
"You look good," Vince tells Mia causing Damon to glare at him. "You too, Trixie."
"Thanks a lot, Trix. See you tomorrow," Brian says as he sets down the money for the sandwich.

"Try Fatburger from now on. Get yourself a Double Cheese burger with fries for $2.95, faggot," Vince yells as he walks after Brian.
"I like the tuna here," Brian retorts barely glancing back at Vince.
"Bullshit. No one likes the tuna here," Vince argues as he follows Brian and Damon couldn't argue that point.
"Yeah, well, I do," Brian says before Vince slams him into his truck. Brian quickly turns around and punches Vince, which sends him to the ground.
"Jesus Christ, Dom! Would you get out there?" Mia yells as she rushes to the back where Dom is.
"I'm sick of this shit. I'm not kidding, Dom. Get out there!" Trixie yells as well before Dom slowly stands and they look to see Brian repeatedly punching Vince.
"What did you put in that sandwich?" Dom asks his sisters causing Damon to look at him in shock since he is letting his friend get beat up.
"That's really funny," Mia says sarcastically with an eye roll.
"Dom!" Letty says as she sees Brian take Vince to the ground.
"All right," Dom says before heading outside with everyone following him besides Mia and Trixie.
"Hey, man. He was in my face," Brian says after Dom throws him up against one of the cars.
"I'm in your face," Dom tells him as Vince stands up and tries to go after Brian again. Dom quickly shoves him back. "Relax! Don't push it! You embarrass me!"
"Get over there!" Leon yells at Vince as he shoves him away from Dom and Brian. Letty, Damon, and Leon form a wall between Vince and the others. Jesse picks up Brian's wallet off the ground.
"Jesse, give me the wallet," Dom says before Jesse brings him the wallet. "'Brian Earl Spilner.' Sounds like a serial killer name. Is that what you are?" Damon looks at his brother confused because of the different last name and wonders if he became a cop like he always talked about.
"No, man," Brian answers him as he shakes his head.
"Don't come around here again," Dom orders before turning to walk over to the rest of the team.
"Hey, man. This is bullshit," Brian says causing Damon to send him a warning glare.
"You work for Harry, right?" Dom asks as he turns back to look at Brian.
"Yeah. I just started," Brian answers him confused.
"You were just fired," Dom says before they all start heading back inside. After Dom tries getting Brian fired, they go to get ready for the race that night.

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