☆book of shadaws, grimoire, book of mirrors☆

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book of shadows

a BOS is like your very own personal witch diary.
you put all the knowledge about witchcraft that is important to you into this book, but you dont have to put every single thing you know!
you should not share this book with anyone since it's personal.

things to write about in your book of shadows:
-lore about the earth
-stones and magick

book of mirrors

you use a book of mirrors to write down thoughts , experiences and feelings about the reaction of your spells and other things you do.

things to write about in your book of mirrors:
-self discovery


a grimoire is similar to a BOS since you also put your information about witchcraft in it but it doesn't contain any personal things which makes is different to a BOS and since it doesn't contain any personal things you can share it with others.

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