09 | 九

445 54 1


jungkook's pov

IN THIS SMALL town, the birthplace of mine, the fireworks festival on a summertime has been conducted for many years and apparently our Jeon priest ancestors started conducting the festivals to propitiate the spirits and for the development of this town.

So that was why even now, the firework festival was hosted by our shrine, that was why my grandpop was the one who chose the photo for the flyer and it hasn't been made yet but apparently the fireworks program was something that was the same every year so to a certain extent, it was already been decided.

When I told my grandpop about the ability to see the future, he didn't even flinch or surprise at the confession, instead he gave me the biggest, missing teeth here and there but someone makes me smile too.

Next thing I knew, he ended up calling a meeting of the executive committee for me. He was very enthusiastic to change the plan, and left for the "emergency" meeting.

There was nothing I could do now, I timed about how long he would probably take and waited for him to return on the veranda of the main house. There were pine trees that my grandfather often tends to and a sakura in the garden; a quaint scenery that I relax to whenever I come.

After I waited a bit, I felt a presence behind me.

When I went to the living room, he was there, with his formal suit, his expression was not good so I concluded the discussion didn't really go his way.

The program still hasn't been officially decided but it seemed like it was quite difficult to make such a sudden change in the program to fire two 5-feet firework balls. They cannot completely disregard proposals by the host but apparently even firing one of these big 5-feet fireworks balls was a big deal.

The 5-feet firework ball was once the world's biggest firework and to fire one up into the sky there were various obstacles arising from the budget and safety measures to pass and they really thought it was really hard to pull off. Even the technician doubts it.

My grandpop was also told that the firework ball was ordered one year in advance, so really, there was no way we could pull off two massive fireworks.

"Jungkookie, I, I'm very sorry, boy."

The old man patted my head and I flashed him an assured smile although I might panic a little bit inside. He looked quite hard on the result of his meeting and to be unable to meet his grandson's expectation for him to look shrivelled and small as he went back to his own room.

"No, it's okay Pop, sorry for asking you to do such a thing."

"Then what should we do...?"

That, I can't answer for myself.

The safety measures should be all good because in any event they would've fired one in the sky anyway but the budget aspect of things I can't do anything about myself.

Apparently one of the 5-feet fireworks balles cost more than 2.5 million, even if  I applied for a part-time job at school and it was allowed by my teacher, there was only less than 3 months until the festival. I can't possibly prepare a large amount of money that was above 2.5 million.

If they can't prepare a 5-feet firework ball in the first place, no matter how much money I save, I still can't realise the idea of firing two of them.

And so, I was stuck with nothing and everything.


After dinner, I stared at the TV on the living room couch, completely having no idea what's going on in it. My mind was somewhere else and still has no solution–

"Haaaaa..." I sighed.

"I heard about it, the stuff about the fireworks," I heard my dad say from behind the couch.

I was startled by his voice, but it didn't make me turn or groan in annoyance because I really hate when people do that, instead I shrugged down to the couch,

"Yeah, apparently it can't happen." I answered, reflecting back to before.

"But you were able to clear up the conflict right?"

Again, I shrugged, honestly no idea how to fix this. "I guess you can say that, I just thought in this way perhaps the conflict wouldn't arise but as to whether that was how it is going to be, really, I don't know."

"If you say that, then that's going to be how it is. This is what you saw in your foresight, rather than finding the right answer, you are the one who provides the answer. I'm sure that would be the right answer."

Turning to face my old man, I prompted my chin on my folded hand on the couch head, "is that how it is?"

He nodded, "of course that is how it is. And you wanted to fire two of the 5-feet fireworks balls?"

"Yeah but it seems like it will be difficult."

"Make sure you don't regret it."

It felt as if my dad encouraged me. I thought of something I needed to do. Stood up from the couch, I made up my mind and just tried to do anything to meet with the future I saw.

"I think I'll meet the fireworks technician, there must be a way."

My father nodded approvingly,

According to him, all the fireworks for the festival were made by a company called Rkive Firework and it was located in the upper part of the town. Not exactly sure how it will end, but I thought at least I have to try.

And so, I made an appointment on the phone, after I mentioned my name of Jeon, they agreed to see me without any objection.

The cherry blossoms scattered and as the scenery started to have more greenery, I pedal and headed towards Rkive Firework, the provider. It took by bicycle, 35 minutes to go to the firework provider head office.

The temperature was just fine, not hot, not cold and the wind felt really nice as I continued to pedal without dropping any speed. When I left the streets, in the scenery the buildings started to decrease and the rice fields and cultivated land started to increase.

On the two sides of the road the fields continued with strawberry and cauliflower being planted. When I went even further, the trees increased and finally I went onto a mountain path. The road was still properly maintained and the rays of the sun often served to open my field of vision.

But, the slopes started to get tougher to ride on and I started dropping my pedalling speed, it only felt good at the start and now I was pretty sure my legs were going to be sore tomorrow first thing in the morning.

Dripping in sweat, I finally stopped my bicycle and arrived at Rkive Firework with all the hopes.

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