08 | 八

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jungkook's pov

THE PARK HOUSEHOLD had been talking that all the female first-in-line Park's family tree origins are from shrine maidens back in the Silla dynasty and were once likely seen as shamans because they can have an ability to see the near-future.

And according to my dad, he wasn't surprised if Chaeyoung was from a shrine maiden household, a pureblood, he said.

To me, it was a shock because so far, something like someone outside my family can have foresight, has been nothing but an occult thing to ask. Also the fact that the girl I might go out with in the future has the ability to see a future too and may-haps had the same scene, I didn't expect that.

"You'll probably find out more if you ask your grandpop, he knew the history since he was interested in that."

Honestly, I wasn't surprised if grandpop knew about this because his house was nothing but books, but then I tried to take this conversation a little bit deeper.

"One more question, let's say Chaeyoung has the ability to... see the future, like me. Is it possible to see two conflicting foresights? Because what I saw was the foresight of her confessing to me and to what she sees is, on the same day, at the same place, a scene where I confess to her."

"You mean, you saw two foresights but the same event?" I nodded rapidly in curiosity. My dad paused for five seconds before looking at me again, "that, even I don't know. But there was a possibility that the foresight was changed in the past years. But just to change a foresight is something you have to do with determination and will. Listen, if you had tried to change your future then it'd be a different story but if you didn't, it's probably not something you can change so easily."

I blinked. Then gave my father a clumsy grin, "honestly Dad, I had no idea what you just said."

My old man sighed and stared at me intensely, he was serious, "try to think of this closely, are the two foresights you saw really in conflict?"

The two aren't in conflict? But they were the same scene. The fireworks festival, one of us saying we like the other when the 5-feet firework ball goes up, how could it be that there was no conflict?

At the end, I sighed since I was unable to unravel the conflict. "Thanks Dad, I'll try thinking about it."

I left the room with my head twisted.

"If you have anything else you want to ask, you ask anytime." I heard my dad say softly behind me. After that, I laid on my bed trying to think about it but I couldn't find the answer.


One week on and I thought about the two foresights everyday but I ended up reaching the conclusion that they were indeed in conflict and I started spending less time thinking about it.

Starting to get used to the second year as soon as it started, I was surprisingly good at the adaptation and if there were no club activities, I got to go home early too.

When I got home and opened the door to the entrance hall, my Mom was there. She greeted me with my favorite smile of hers, "welcome home, you sure came back at just the right time."

"I'm home, Mom." I raised my eyebrows, "what is it?"

"Here, could you take this to the main house?"

There was a box of cider, it's something we often receive from my mother's father, my grandfather who lived in another prefecture and we probably got it from him this time as well.

"Sure," I answered and lifted the cardboard box with all the cider cans packed inside. The box said there were 250 ML x 30 cans. I do the maths in my head, thinking about the weight– give or take– 7.5 kilogram.

The main house was right next to our house. Being careful of the stepping stones that lead to it, I opened the door to the main house while making sure I had the box of cider on one knee. There was no one.

After I put it as an offering in front of the altar, I headed to the living room and my grandpop was there. It seems like he was doing something, with the radio he always has on, off.

"Oh, it's Kookie. Want to eat this?" He said as he tried to give me some sweets on the table.

"Nah, I'm not good with sweet food, also it seemed like we received cider again, so, I've put it in front of the altar."

"Oh, I see, I see." my grandpop alther smiled when he said that even though I don't think he likes cider particular much.

"What's that?" I said as I caught a glimpse of a picture of the fireworks placed on the table in front of my grandpop.

"This is a picture from last year's firework festival"

I walked toward him and sat beside him, impressed by the picture, "wow, who took it?"

"Of course the cameraman, if I had taken it, the fireworks would've become two."

"Because it will blur?" I said laughing.

"Wouldn't it?" My grandpop laughed too.

The picture was truly a professional since it was taken so beautifully. On the flyer, there was a complete picture of the 5-feet firework ball and it seemed like two years ago. It was an orange, but partly red firework.

"This 5-feet firework, does it always appear every year?"

"Oh you recognize the firework? Well, yeah, the special 5-feet firework ball is surely there every year. Good isn't it?"

I recalled the 5-feet fireworks ball I saw in my foresight a little ago. It was a firework that streaked out in an orange color and faded away while glimmering in pink.

Then I tried to recall the foresight I saw when I was 8. The same firework, the same orange color streaks but at the end, I think the color it glimmered and faded away in was a green.

Thoughts flooding my mind immediately, the fireworks were different in the two foresights? Different fireworks festivals? No, the only festival visible from that hill blown by the wind is this one. Could it be that it was the same festival but different years?

No, it can't be, the calendar in Chaeyoung's room was this year's and she said two and half weeks later. At the very least, I expected her to think that the future was for this year's festival because I can't imagine a person with such ability can mix up the years.

If that was true then...

"Pop, the festival has one 5-feet firework ball that goes up at the end, right?"

He nodded, "yes that was true."

"And it's always only one every year, right?"

"Yes, yes. That is true, kid." He nodded like an old man (well, he was).

Feeling like all my prior questions had been answered and it was a good sign for me, I kneeled and leaned on my grandpop with a hope in mind.

"So, I wonder if it is possible to shoot two up at one festival? Like a photo that would blur if you took it but not at the same time though. Can we do that?"

For the first time, my oldest man's glasses slipped and looked at me with a silly face.

Drop of Dream ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ