Eren gaped in awe, "now that's the spirit ! I've never seen you think this fast, Sasha !"

"Hell yea-"

"Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you have seen Mobli-"

The mentioned man scrambled up to get on his feet upon the sudden arrival of his superior, almost spilling his coffee in the process.

Hanji rests her hands on her hips, "Boy, I've been looking all over for you."

"Y-you should've just called me, ma'am."

"But you left your phone." Hanji stretches out her arm to hand Moblit his phone that he had left at the receptionist desk in front of Hanji's office.

He shrieks, but accepts the phone anyway, "So why are you here-"

"Can you find those audit files for me real quick ? I need them for the Ackerman Department meeting like... right now."

"But ma'am, that's for Friday !" Moblit almost whined.

She inhales deeply, "And today's... Friday."

The world seems to stop for Moblit as he stands there, petrified upon realizing what day it is today. Without further bullshit, he storms off to Hanji's private office like a scared chicken. 


"Hello- What ?"

In the middle of doing her work, her phone buzzed. An incoming call from Zeke almost startled her.

(Y/n) can't help but raise an eyebrow, "lunch ?"

"It was too sudden yesterday so we didn't really get to talk. And I believe we have a lot to catch up on." Said the voice from the other line. 

She purses her lips, contemplating whether she should go or not. (Y/n) then ends the call and head inside Levi's private office, about to ask him for a certain permission as well as handing him her work.

The woman bowed a little before handing her boss a tablet, "here's the weekly reports, Mr. Ackerman. And..."

" ?"

"Ms. Reiss will be accompanying you to the Shiganshina Bio Meeting, and you won't be needing me, so may I go ahead for lunch ?"

He squinted his eyes in suspicion , "are you seeing someone ?"

"Oh, Mr. Jaeger, The Boy Wonder, or you may know as the CEO of the Beast Enterprise, asked me to have lunch together with him. So.. Do I have your full permission to do so, sir ?"

Levi debated with himself for a few seconds before giving a small nod, "fine. Go ahead."

"Thank you sir."

The woman happily exits his office, not knowing that Levi had reached his phone and send a text to his subordinate.

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now