Chapter 4

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After his threat, Jin Ling cooperated with the Lans. He wasn't at all happy about having to leave Fairy, especially just for the sake of Wei Wuxian.

It wasn't for the sake wanting to see the terror on Wei Wuxian's face when seeing Fairy, though that would be enjoyable. It was the fact, that Fairy would have made it feel somewhat like home.

Jin Ling walked a few steps behind the two, who spoke a few words occasionally that only they were able to hear.

It definitely felt like it took multiple hours of walking, though it was probably only an hour and a half, before they arrived at a huge stone wall with all the Gusu sect rules engraved on it.

Jin Ling couldn't help but stop and look up at it. Despite the pointless writing on it, he still found the entire thing quite beautiful to look at.

"This way." A voice came, and Jin Ling continued walking.

He tried so hard to keep his gaze focused on the ground, scowling as he had absolutely no interest in anything around him. Unfortunately, that only lasted a few short minutes before he was looking around at all the bright green trees, and the temples and all the neatly structured building that were placed all around.

There were birds chirping in the distance, as the suns rays and beams came through the scattered clouds that painted the sky, offering both warmth and shade.

The grass green as the trees, both dirt and concrete roads and paths, wild and planted flowers all over, the fragrance of freshly cut grass, and wet forest hitting his nose, making him feel a bit calmer.

Sizhui, who'd been looking back occasionally to check up on the new found golden finch, had regained his small smile watching how his lips parted and eyes would widen as he saw something new.

They walked a little longer, before they arrived at a huge building, where hundreds of others in white and blue robes, were walking around, chatting, and noticing.

Both Jingyi and Sizhui stopped and turned to him. "Stay here." Jingyi said. "We'll be right back."

Jin Ling rolled his eyes and 'Tch'd' before they walked into the building leaving him, much to his dismay.

By now, most of the blue robed Lan's had noticed him. He stuck out, with his yellow and white robes, which he wore with no shame.

"Isn't that Jin Ling of Lanling Jin clan?" He started hearing whisperings.

"Yeah, but what's he doing here?"

"Isn't he like .. an orphan?"

"Isn't he supposed to be running his sect?"

"No way, he's like twelve."

At that, Jin Ling turned around scowling at a specific pair of Lan disciples.

"I'm not twelve!" He raged.

They both halted momentarily, realizing they'd been caught. The one with a particularly shorter ponytail, crossed his arms smirking.

"My bad, I meant eight." He taunted, gaining laughs and snickers from a small crowed that had formed.

Jin Ling's face heated. "I'm probably older than you, you damn twit."

That caused an eruption of laughter.

Jin Ling was beyond enraged and completely at a loss. He'd never even met these people and they disliked him. For what?

"Let me guess, you're here to try to grow up that childish act of yours, since you'll never be able to run your sect, right?" One spoke up.

"Oh, or maybe Jiang Cheng sent you here so he could prevent the disaster you'd make of your sect." Another came.

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