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Tonks POV

I was walking around Diagon Alley for my break. I was heading towards the Weasley twins shop when I saw a girl pacing back and forth of Gringotts. She had black hair green eyes and sharp futures but she looked stressed. I ignored it due to the fact she was outside of Gringotts meaning her family might be having financial problems. And then I hear them. The yelling of Molly Weasley and her 'angels' of children. I circled back around to go to Gringotts hoping that they would only be headed to see the twins but I was wrong. They were headed to the exact same place that I was. I was too close to go back now so I cast a notice me not charm and stood next to the pillars in the front. Thankfully they didn't notice me and walked right in, I let out a breath of relief but that was short-lived. The loud voice of Arther Weasley screaming out the name Hermione made me stop dead in my tracks. I didn't want to reveal my position yet so I slid inside and listened.

'' ione we got so scared when you flooed to Knockturn alley!''

'' You uh you must have heard wrong I said um Hogwarts yes I wanted to get some advice and you are right that um my parents were a distraction.'' Well that wasn't true me and Sirius checked the floo network and it definitely said Hermione went to Knockturn Alley. She was lying to them. Why would she be doing that?

'' Well good that you finally realized Mione we are your family,'' I scoffed these people killed her parents and yet they call themselves her family. I decided to step in because I noticed Hermione got a lot paler and she looked faint.

'' Oh, there you are, Hermione, I thought I lost you Thank you, Severus, for keeping an eye on them.'' 

'' Me and Severus here have to get the um new kid back home and Hermione to Hogwarts where she is staying until school starts again ya.''

'' Right so bye nice meeting you.'' I pulled them off to a quieter place in Diagon Alley where there were only one or two people walking around. 

'' Right I don't know what's going on right now but I do know that you are not a new student and that you are staying at Hogwarts. And also Severus what the hell is going on with your hair it looks good. like not greasy and stiff. Is it a new conditioner because if it is where on earth did you get it?'' I mean really since when did the bat get to look better than me that is simply not allowed.

'' Thanks, I think and no I did not buy a new conditioner.'' Really that sucks.

'' Right well, we really must go, and Thank you Tonk's we really appreciate your help.'' 

'' Any time Hermione but just promise me you'll tell me what's wrong when you're ready.''

''I promise and thank you again'' I don't know if someone spiked my drink this morning but I thought I saw this so-called new student turn into a middle-aged man with red eyes but then he went back to normal so I ignore it.

'' See you later and if Ron and Harry ever give you trouble again let me know.''

'' Of course''  There it was again but this time Hermione turned into that same person that was pacing in front of Gringotts. The same hair. The same eyes. The same sharp futures. Then they were gone.  I thought my eyes played a trick on me but it made sense. I mean she flooed to Knockturn Alley where she might have met Snape I mean he was a Death Eater after all a spy sure but he still likes the Dark Arts. From there she must have told him about her parents and how she was adopted. The only reason I know is that Dumbledore told me. Snape must have taken her to Gringotts to get an inheritance test but who are her parents. I mean there was a whisper here and there of a missing death eater child but that is what it is a rumor. But she looked so much like him and the other man. No way. HERMIONE GRANGER IS SNAPE'S DAUGHTER! I had to get to her to tell her I'm sorry not to pull her away from Snape, no if I did that I would be just like the Weasley's but the only problem was that the only place Snape could be is Malfoy Manor.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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