The note

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Hermione's POV

It's been three days since the Order meeting and nothing too strange went on. I mean you heard the usual explosion from the twin's room but that's normal. I was planning on seeing my parents in the afternoon, but I wasn't allowed to go until some of the Order members came back from a mission which was odd even for us. I was currently eating lunch with everyone else left in the Burrow which was Tonks, Sirius, Remus, Molly, Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Ron, and me.

'' Mione could you please stop bouncing your knees, you're shaking the table!''

'' Don't be rude Ron'' Harry said

'' He's not being rude and sorry Ron I'm just really excited to see my parents today. We're planning to go out for dinner so we can catch up, I mean we haven't seen each other in ages!'' I said excitedly. Nothing can get me to stop smiling today I thought. When I looked away from Ron, I caught Tonk's eye and she started to open her mouth as if she was going to say something but before she could say something Molly dropped a little bit of porridge in her lap.

'' Oh, no I didn't see you there darling go and get that cleaned up and I'll give you some extra porridge.'' Said Molly in a sharp tone. Wonder what that was about I thought but I quickly dismissed it as an accident.

'' Sirius, Remus your booth are awfully quiet is something wrong?'' I asked. Molly gave them both a stern look.

'' No nothing is wrong Hermione me and Remus are just thinking about the Uhhhhh, what were we thinking about Remus?

''Right yes, we were thinking about theeee um Quidditch World Cup last year and how terribly it went? Yes, that was what we were thinking of.'' Remus said

'' Um sure, Molly do you know when the Rest of the Order is going to be back so I can go and see my parents,'' I said with a huge grin on my face. Before Molly had any time to answer Tonk's stood up teary-eyed and said '' I have to go now the Ministry needs me.'' Then she turned to look at me and said '' I am truly sorry for this'' then she left.

'' What was that about '' Fred and George say

'' Ya, I would like to know too.'' I said '' and why did she look at me when she said the sorry bit.''

'' oh, I don't know. Tonks can sometimes be strange but then again so can I.'' Molly said with a strained smile. Just at that moment, the Order flooed in.

'' Yes! Finally, you're here can I go see my parents now!'' I shouted excitedly

'' of course, but before you go remember to keep an opened mind would you,'' Kingsley said but I didn't register because I was racing upstairs to get my bag. I was beyond excited I was finally going to see my parents again it's been ages the last time I saw them was at the beginning of last year. I grabbed my bag and put my wand, some muggle money along with some wizard currency in my bag, and ran back downstairs.

'' I'll be back at latest 10,'' I said

'' good luck Mione tell your parents I said hi please,'' Ginny said

'' of course, I'll see you all later!''

'' Wait Hermione. I'm serious keep an open mind.'' Kingsley said

'' of course, but why do you keep on saying.''

'' simply a warning''

'' Ok, I will see you all later Bye.'' And then everything went dark.

I appeared three blocks away from my house in an ally way so no one could see me but as soon as I stepped outside of there, I heard sirens a lot of sirens. I immediately started worrying what if it was my parents are, they ok are they go- no Hermione stop thinking like that! I ran as fast as my legs could carry me until I was right next to the ambulances until I was right next to my house. '' No'' I whispered '' No!'' I tried to run up to my house, but I was stopped by a cop.

'' Sorry, Mam but I can't let anyone in unless they are family.''

'' I am their daughter! Tell me what happened to my parents!'' I yelled. I could feel myself starting to get angry.

'' Oh well, then my guess is you're going to want to know what happened.''

'' Yes, I would like to know what happened to my parents,'' I said I could feel myself losing breath losing hope that they were ok.

'' well, we were called by one of your niebghers saying that they saw a man with a wooden leg and a fake eye along with some others knocking at their door and when he entered there was a lot of screaming, which meant they put up a fight.'' I felt something crack inside of me. '' witnesses say they saw a blinding light hit them. Then before he left, he left a note next to their body, it says it's directed to a Hermione Granger, my guess that's you.''

" Yes, that's me'' I said he handed me the letter and it said

Dear Hermione,

I am so very sorry that this had to happen. Your parents were unreliable. Death eaters could have shown up and tortured them until they had information about us, you're usually the logical one here I hope you can see this is what is best for all of us. It was a tough call, but we had to do it, for the good of the Wizarding world. Please don't hold a grudge.


Kingsley and the rest of the Order

No this could not be true. The people that I have trusted with my life so many times murdered my parents the people that were supposed to be the so-called 'light' side and they murdered my parents. I dropped the letter and lost my balance, so I stumbled onto the officer.

'' Miss are you all right.''

'' i- I don't ''

'' could we get a doctor over her-'' but I didn't hear the rest as I slipped into unconsciousness. 

Auther here this is the second chapter in this book I hope you like it and I will probably update a lot more the 2-3 times every two weeks please remember to vote and I hoped you liked it. Bye 

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