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Hermione's POV

I was waiting more like pacing in front of the entrance of Gringotts for the Goblins to come and get me so I could go home with my parents. Parents. That's going to get some getting used to. Splade finally came out from the bank and told me that we were free to go but my parents were signing some papers so they have proper care for me. I was about to go in but then I caught sight of the familier red hair of the Weasley's. I froze in place staring at them. Before they cought sight of me Splade kicked me in the shin and said

'' You're glamour is off they won't reconize you so i suggest you stop staring if you don't want to get cought.'' 

I let out a breath that i didn't relise i was holding and slowing turned around and entered Gringotts but the Weasly's decided they wanted to get some money out Splade stered me to the back so I can meet my parents. I didn't realise where I was walking then before I knew it I was on the ground. I looked up and saw dad.

'' Oh Merlin I'm so sorry Hermione i didn't realise you were there I didn't mean to I am so sorry.''

'' Dad calm down i only bumped into you it's not that big of a deal. But we have a problem the Weasley's and Harry are here.'' Dad's eyes widened but thankfully Splade interviened before he hexed them to next decade.

'' Miss Riddle-Snape we could always reaplly the glamour on you and your dad could be teacher supervision while you went to get things for the new school year.''

'' That works for me and my daughter but what about my Husband? There's a possibility that Ginny Weasly could reconize him.''

'' we could put a glamour on him so he looks like a first year student so when you are leaving it's not that suspicious.'' 

'' That works we'll do that.'' I said. Splade quickly applied glamours and led us to the door. i tried to calm my nerves i really did but it was hard I was walking right by the people who killed the people who raised me I clenched my hands so hard that I was pretty sure that it started bleeding. No, no, no, no Arther Weasley started walking up to us.

'' Oh Hermione thank Merlin we were so worried we all thought something happened to you come on lets get back to the Burrow-''

'' Is that Hermione?'' 

'' Yes it is Ron come over here.''  I couldn't breathe I was sufficating.

'' Actuelly we can't stay we need to buy new products what are you doing here?'' Dad sneered

'' Same as you and we were actuelly looking for you Hermione we got so scared when you flooed to Knockturn alley!''

'' You uh you must have heard wrong I said um Hogwarts yes I wanted to get some advice and you are write that um my parents were a distraction.'' i had to gritt my teeth to keep my self from yelling curses to them.

'' Well good that you finally realised Mione we are your family.'' Ron said Family they tryed to take me away from my family they killed people that i cared for. I felt faint. 

'' Oh there you are Hermione i thought i lost you Thank you Severus for keeping an eye on them.'' I didn't know if i should sigh in relief or run and by the looks of it niether did my parents. Tonk's continued on

'' Me and Severus here has to get the um new kid back home and Hermione to Hogwarts where she is staying until school starts again ya.''

'' Right so bye nice meeting you.'' Said Father but i could tell he had a angry glint in his eyes that means we should probaly run. But thankfully Tonk's pulled us out of there before any one else could say something. She made us follow her into a quiter part of the alley then turned to us 

'' Right i don't know whats going on right now but i do know that you are not a new student and that you are staying at Hogwarts. And also Severus what the hell is going on with your hair it looks good. like not greasy and stiff. Is it a new conditiner becasue if it is where on earth did you get it?'' 

'' Thanks I think and no i did not bye a new conditiner.'' Me and Father were strying hard not to laugh and we were failing terribly but i stopped. i tryed kicking Father in the shins to get him to notice that his glamour was wearing off but then I noticed so was mine. I decided to intervien 

'' Right well we really must go and Thank you Tonk's we really apprieciete your help.''

'' Any time Hermione but just promise me you'll tell me what's wrong when you're ready.''

''I promise and thank you again''

'' See you later and if Ron and Harry ever give you trouble again let me know.''

'' Of course'' and with that we apperated home but before we left i could have sworn i saw shock on Tonk's face but the only reason that would have happened would be because she saw us without our glamour but that couldn't be possible, right?

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