Meeting The dark lord

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Hermione's POV

It was happening it was finally happening I was going to find my real parents and avenge the people who took care of me. Me, Draco, Narcissa were waiting in the living room for Lucius to come so we could explain what was happening. I was extremely nervous because what if he didn't deem me worthy or what if he curses first and asked questions later. But it was to late to go back now because he was already here.

'' You said you wanted to see me dear.''

'' Ah, there you are and yes I- we would like to tell you something.'' Said Narcissa

'' of course, but what is Granger doing here?'' he sneered finally noticing me

'' well, that's what we want to talk about Lord Malfoy,'' I said in a shaky voice

'' What is so important that Draco had to Floo call me and say something urgent is happening at home and why does it include you!'' Lucius said he was starting to get impatient. Not trusting myself to not break down in front of him I handed him the letter that the Order wrote. He raised an eyebrow but never less read it. Lucius's reaction was nearly the same as Draco's for he had a calm mask on, but his eyes revealed that he was furious.

'' The Order has taken it too far. I- um apologies to how I first reacted miss Granger and I am sorry for the loss of your parents, but I still don't see why I had to be pulled out of a meeting for this.''

'' Hermione overheard an Order meeting saying that they were going to kill a girl's parents who turned out to be hers, but they also said that this girl was adopted which means Hermione is adopted which means there is a possibility that Hermione isn't a muggle-born,'' Draco said speaking up for the first time.

'' Why would the Order keep this from you. Do you have any ideas, Hermione?'' Lucius said in a calm but stern voice.

'' Not – Not really I mean the only thing that would give me an idea is the Molly Weasley said something about me turning to the 'dark' side if I find out about my heritage and when we went upstairs to talk about what we heard Ginny said something about the girl- me being the daughter of a death eater.''

'' Are you sure Hermione this is a very big claim and could end very badly if you are wrong.''

'' I'm sure. One of the reasons I came here is because I know your family has ties to the dark lord, don't deny it and I was wondering If I could talk to him about this and the fact that I well I want to help him destroy the Order.'' His eyes widened a bit at the last statement but instead of hexing me he turned to Draco and Narcissa and asked them if they are all right with it and they nodded so he turned back to me and said,

''I will try my best to arrange a meeting for you, but I can't promise that you will get one.''

'' that's all right I am just relieved that you would try.'' With that, he walked away. There was silence for a few minutes then

'' do you really think he will be able to arrange a meeting with him?'' I asked

'' Most likely but my husband is putting a lot on the line to get you this.''

'' what why?''

'' Lucius is part of the dark lord's inner circle and he has his trust. If you are wrong about this heritage thing then chances are, he will lose that bit of trust.''

'' he would do that for me?''

'' My father is a kind person no matter what other people say so if you are certain that this is true then yes, he would but his neck on the,'' Draco said. I started worrying that I was wrong, and Lucius would lose the dark lords trust because of me but before I could go into a spiral Lucius came back and said,

'' He will see you now.''

'' ok, then I'll see you all soon.'' Narcissa and Draco nodded then I followed Lucius into his office.

'' Wait here. He should Floo in at any moment.'' I nodded and sat down in one of the sitting chairs. I only had to wait for a few minutes and when he arrived, I nearly fell out of my seat in shock because in front of me was not a snake-eyed noseless creep it was a handsome brown-haired man with a nose. I knew he was still Voldemort because he had the same aura but he sure as hell looked different.

'' well, well, well what do we have here.''

And that's Chapter 5 I hoped you liked it and please remember to Vote and Comment

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